Chapter XVI

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Henry took a few minutes before leaving his dead freind. Once the started walking Henry felt a little better.

They walked through what seemed like endless hallways until to reached a small room with a vent. Norman pointed to it and the rest nodded. He climbed in first to lead to way, then Sammy, Bendy, then Henry. They climbed through fast but Norman stopped when he relized there was a hole.

He slowly put one arm across then the other and hopped over quickly. He reached out his hand to Sammy and Sammy grabbed his hand. Norman yanked Sammy across then did the same with Bendy and Henry. The further they went the wider the vent got. Soon enough they reached the end.

They climbed out and walked to a door a few feet across from the vent. Norman quietly opened the door and peeked out. He gave a thumbs-up and walked through, the rest of the group following.

"So is there like an elevator we go down or up in?" Sammy asked. Norman shook his head, the light going side-to-side.

They walked for a few more hours and searchers popped up here and there. They rested for a bit then went on, until they found a wide staircase leading down into darkness. Henry hesitated for a bit but followed the stairs down. They reached a wall with a door and Bendy opned it this time.

They reached the a room that looked awfully familiar. They were in the room where Henry would usually turn in the items he collected for Alice.

Norman looked back at the others sort of a way that said, "Told you."

They would in and immediately heard the click above them, "Looks like my errand boy and his freinds found their way back. Oh, I also see my toy with him too. Hee hee."

Sammy crossed his arms and looked down, "I hate it when she calls him that," Sammy muttered to himself.

Norman rolled his eye light at the sound of Alice's voice. They made their way down to the metal door and it slightly opened, just enough for them to peek through. Behind the door stood the psychotic angle, hold a remote like object.

Bendy growled and grabbed both sides of the door and broke them off effortlessly.

'You could have done that before!' Henry thought. He looked at Norman but he didn't do anything.

Alice didn't move an inch, actually, she looked like she expected Bendy to do that... or wanted him to.

"Ah-ah-ah!" Alice waved the remote in her hand and grinned.

"What even is that?" Henry asked.

"Just a little remote, for my little toy," Alice smiled at Norman in wich his eye light brightened and glared at her.

Bendy took a step towards Alice but she held the remote higher above her head. Sammy looked at Norman then he noticed it, a small piece of metal on the side of his head. He nugged Norman's shoulder and pointed to his own head where the metal was. Norman touched the metal and tried to take it off, but it didn't budge.

"Alice I swear! Just leave Norman and us alone!" Bendy growled.

Alice chuckled, "And why would I do that? Plus, nobody here really cares. We're stuck down here and there's no getting out, might as well piss everyone off." She said looking at the floor smiling.

"Yeah, well at least we're trying to get out or something." Sammy pitched in crossing his arms.

Alice shrugged. Bendy just snapped and grabbed Alice's neck, fast, and slammed her into the wall next to him. She dropped the remote by the force and kicked at Bendy. Everyone jumped at the suddan movement.

"Let. Me. Go!" Alice kept kicking at Bendy.

Henry quickly grabbed the remote and ran back next to sammy, making sure Alice wouldn't get it.

They heard groans from behind and there were two searchers and a lost one. The searchers went up to Bendy and groaned at him. Bendy looked at them and tilted his head also pressing the side of his arm harder on Alice's neck.

"They're asking if they can kill her..." The lost one spoke.

Bendy growled then backed off, "Make sure she's dead-dead." Alice fell to the floor and the searchers groaned as a 'thank you' to Bendy.

Henry looked at the remote and frowned, "Do we just break it?" Norman quickly nodded.

Henry dropped it and stepped on the remote, breaking it slightly. Norman then clawed at the metal on his head. Bendy walked up to him and helped pulling it out a bit.

"It's really jammed in."

Sammy looked down and shook a little. They then heard splashes of ink and saw the searchers attcking Aloce while she was putting her hands on her head.

They stood there watching the searchers attack Alice. When the searches backed off Bendy walked up to her. He grabbed her arm and held her up. He then punched her hard and threw her on the ground. Bendy walked back. Henry smiled at him weakly.

"Oh just kiss," Sammy teased, getting knocked in the head by Norman, of course. Norman glared at Sammy then looked at the floor, making words pop up: "You just saw Alice die and now you want Bendy to kiss Henry? Wow."

Bendy and Henry laughed. Sammy just shrugged, "It's to make me feel better from witnessing death."

Norman rolled his eye light. Henry kissed Bendy's cheek. "There, that better?"

Sammy shrugged again, "Sure." They all laughed, at least Norman tried but failed.

Henry's stomach groaned and Sammy laughed more receiving yet another slap by Norman. "I geuss I'm hungry."

"Let's go back to my office and have bacon soup!" Sammy suggested. Everyone nodded and they made they're way up.

Henry noticed the lost one and searchers were gone. He just kept walking.

Norman looked behind him and growled at the now dead Alice. He turned facing foward and kept walking.

They walkrd only down the stairs untill Norman collapsed onto the floor, his light darkening by the second.

(Oh my actual freak! I am so so sorry I haven't posted in a while I've just forgot about this book for a bit but don't worry, I'm not dead!1020 words.)
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