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- You do realise that you will have to take the mark to do this
- Yes
- And you are just like, oh now that the ones that has bullied me my whole school life are nice I will take the dark mark to take theirs away
- Yes
- Are you okay Harry
- What
- That is not a normal thing to do you know, especially when the mark in question marks that we follow the man that killed your parents
Harry gave Draco a look that clearly said shut up before I hex you
- I have told you already that I have forgiven you. Anyways I want you to meet me outside moaning myrtles bathroom on Saturday at 6 am
- Are you sure Harry
- Of course I am
- But it is just
The next Severus knew he was pressed up against the wall with Harry's wand against his throat
- I said I was sure now stop doubting my mental stability and stop asking these stupid questions
He let go of Severus before leaving the office with a triumphant smile on his face

As he entered the common room he got dragged by a redhead and a bushy haired girl up to their shared dorm
- What have you been up to and what did you found
When he didn't answer Hermione gave him a stern look that made Harry whisper
- I found a way to take away the dark mark
Harry's closest friends stood there gaping and Harry continued
- I'm trying it on Draco and Professor Snape on Saturday in the chambers
- How
- I found a book that Salazar had written in his library and turns out he created the spell Voldemort used to mark his followers and also came up with a way to take it away, it only works if the original caster is dead though so we are in luck
- That's amazing Harry
Harry gave Hermione a small smile before turning to Ron
- And how more precisely do you do it
- Well, promise me not to freak out alright
The two nodded and Harry took a deep breath
- I need to mark myself and then get in control of their marks before being able to take it away
There was a moment quiet before Hermione started ranting about dangerous and stupid and about how much that could go wrong. Ron gave Harry a pitiful look knowing what Hermione's rants was like and that you don't want to be the victim. A few minutes later her rant ended and she looked and Harry before throwing her around his neck. A bit unsure of what to do he patted her back a bit before hearing her whisper
- You are a great wizard Harry
Before letting go. She gave him a smile before raising and leaving the room
- How do you stand living with her
- I honestly have no idea
And they both burst out laughing

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