chapter two.

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Arabella's POV

* A Few Weeks Later *

It's kind of sad really. Those four boys being the most exhilarating thing that has happened to me in forever.

Took me passing out to get the excitement I wanted. Wow. Never would have guessed that.

Sometimes, at night when I'm walking, I'll take that same dark alley just to see if they would somehow know I was there and show up.

They never do.

I go there at least once a week.

I wouldn't really call it stalking. I would more so call it a mission. Yes, a mission to get that excitement back in my life.

Plus they weren't too shabby.

Nope, not at all.

I think I've started to go crazy. All I do is wake up, go to school, come home and sleep. Except for the occasional times that my friends come over, which is very rare.

I actually saw him once. In the store. He came in and then just left so suddenly. If I didn't know any better I would have said it was because of me. But that can't be true, he barely knows me. Why would he try to avoid me?

I was truthfully let down that I didn't at least get to say hi to him. It's a small town, I'll probably see him again eventually.

Connor's POV

I see her. I see that damned girl at least once a week in that alley. It's like she's looking and waiting. Looking for what? I have no clue. But if I could take a lucky guess, I would say us. Justin, Cody, Joe and I.

She looked like a lost puppy when we had to take her home. We made her promise not to tell her parents about what happened and so far it looks like she hasn't.

My guess would be she has a crush. Maybe Cody. They seemed to hit it off. Although, they all seemed to have also.

I don't understand why they like her. She's disrespectful. She goes and talks about my pimple when look at her.

Okay, she's gorgeous.

But her attitude sucks. She's probably one of those popular, stuck up bitches.

I saw her again today. In the store. She was shopping for.. erm, lady things.

It was quite weird seeing her shop for those things because let's be honest, she doesn't act much like a girl with her attitude and all.

I had to run to get some stuff for my mother and seeing her there was shocking and unexpected. I didn't know what to do or say.

What do you say to the girl who commented on your pimple? 'Oh hey! Pimple free face now! See?'

So I did the only logical choice. I left and came back later.

I didn't understand why God was doing this to me at first. But then I thought about it and realized that maybe he wasn't doing this to me, but to her.

She obviously doesn't like me much and maybe she has some bad beef with the Lord above and he's doing this to her. Not me.

However, what the man above doesn't know is that I don't like her either. So him punishing her is also punishing me. But you know, that's just a theory.

It could also just be fate.
You know, if you believe in all that shit.
I know I don't.

Fucking girls is what I like and will always like. No strings attached. Not all of the complicating bullshit.

I wonder if she likes no strings attached. Even if she is kind of bossy, she's still a total babe.

What are these thoughts? I would never sleep with her.
I hate her.
I hate her.
I hate her.
If I keep chanting that maybe I'll get these ugly thoughts out of my head.

Nah, she wouldn't do that anyways. She seems like the innocent type. But I could change that.

Little did I know that me leaving wouldn't make a difference because I was going to see her very, very soon anyways.

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