[9] Moon Fears & Love Potions

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Remus' Pov

I look down at my food. It was breakfast. It was not going to be a good day. I watched (Y/N) walk in with her friends.

'At least she hasn't changed..'

"I've pretty much wasted 2 years watching Prongs fail on getting with Lily. One hundred and seven times is enough but one hundred and eight? That's just pathetic."

Sirius said, stuffing his face with toast.

"What about you Remus?"

I looked at him.


"Any closer to finding your 'sweetheart'?"

Sirius asked.

For a moment there, James looked at me. Almost telling me to confess to Sirius that I kissed his sister. 'His sister...'

"Uh...Something like that."

I mumble and Sirius catches it.

He was about to respond when a composition was heard.

"Get off of her Jacob!"

Sasha shouted.

This 'Jacob' was touching (Y/N). She didn't look impressed. Sirius got up but didn't move. He continued to try and touch her until she slapped him. Apparently, Jacob did not get the hint. Despite (Y/N) hitting him, he pulled her into a kiss. If I wasn't angry before, I sure was now. My temper was thin because of the full moon but him kissing her infuriated me. James looked worried and I stormed out of the great hall.

Your Pov

Normally, Blood status didn't bother you but, after that guy touched you that didn't seem to matter. You went into a full pure blood rant.

"Fucking scum. Mud blood thinking he can touch me! God, I need a bath after that dirty blood mistake. I cannot believe he even considered laying his filthy mitts on me! How that Muggle-born got into Slytherin is beyond my comprehension."

You cried.

"We'll get him back, don't worry.  For now, let's go to potions."

Lucia said.

For a while, Sasha seemed upset. One of her parents is a muggle after all. You realised this and ran up to her, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry if I upset you! I was just angry and I know everything you went through in first year I-"

"I know..And I also know you were upset and that's okay. You have no need to apologise."

Sasha smiled and hugged you back.

"Right! Slughorn's Potions?"



"Today you are reviewing Amortentia. Now I know you've done this before but it is going to be in your N.E.W.T.S at the end of the year. Now as you all know, to each individual it smells different. Would anyone like to volunteer?"

Most of the girls inched forwards towards the cauldron. You stayed back along with Lyai.

"Ah. Miss Black? How about you?"

Slughorn suggested.

"Uh... I mean I guess.."

You walk forwards and sniff the pink potion.


Later in the class, Lucia nudged you.

"What do you smell Ms. Lupinnnn?"

Moonlight [Young!Remus Lupin x Reader] Unedited Where stories live. Discover now