Arc 1.2 Ice prince

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"I'm in love with you!"

"Where in the hell did that come from?!"

The little kid clung onto him making him very uncomfortable. Pushing the him away he came back only to clutch on his shirt, can't bearing to part with him.

'System who is this kid?!'

[Wait a sec...]

The boys eyes shimmered in the sunlight admiring the hunk of the man who held him in his arms.

"I don't know who you are boy, but I think you're very delusional right now". Holding the shoulders of the fidgeting boy he couldn't help but feel bad that he got hurt so much that it messed up his mental state.

[Host! He's Julian's missing younger brother!]

'WHAT?!Why is he with the FL?!And why haven't I heard any news about julian's missing brother?!'

[I'm not sure host on either of those questions, but it will be best if you went home because it's becoming midnight]

'Fine, but he better not be following me like some lost puppy when I'm with Damien'

"Boy, I want to ask you some questions as to why you were in there but I want you to follow me back to my home so you could get fixed up". Adonis hesitantly told him, he wants to get away from this mountain as fast as possible. The FL might come back at any time.

"But handsome sir I can't walk", the boy said.

'(;⌣̀_́) System can't you heal his legs for me'

[I could host but you'll have to waste points to buy a healing pill].

Groaning in dissatisfaction he wrapped his arm around the boy's waist and lifted the boy's arm around his neck. Without paying attention to the boy's mumbling he sped walked down the mountain. It would be a struggle but he had built up his stamina and strength so it was nothing.

"Handsome sir would you like to be engaged with me?", the boy boldly stated making Adonis almost trip on air. The boy blushed at how their faces were so close.

"Boy, I want to make things clear. I will never love you. I already have someone I love deeply with my heart, I have no room in there for you", he sounded harsh but Adonis couldn't handle the boys talk of love towards him.

Inside his mind, the boy felt something break. Suddenly, slumping his head he stayed still for a moment before reopening his eyes.

[Host we're almost there, just pass those bushes....and we're here!].

Adonis couldn't be any happier to see his house for the first time in forever.

The boy slowly opened his blue eyes. Caution and alarm filled his being as he felt someone hold him. Adonis felt the boy push him, letting go the boy fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?I helped you down the mountain and this is the thanks I get?".

The boy shakily looked all around him, confusion and fear in his eyes.

"Who are you?!Identify yourself this instant!", the boy shakily pointed a finger at him.

Adonis noticed a change in his whole demeanor, wondering what caused it. 'System why is he acting this way?'.

[Let me check real quick], system detached itself from Adonis and flew over to the hysterical boy. System disappeared then reappeared in seconds bringing news.

[It seems that he was under a weird spell, but I can't pin point what kind of spell it was. Sorry host!(>_<)].

'It's fine, you did a good job. Maybe that's why he kept talking about loving me'

By this time maids were already outside with his whole family approaching him.

How was he going to explain this whole mess.



Damien entered his home only to be met with a slap across the face. He coldly looked at the person, hoping they could just topple over and die.

"WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN BUYING MY MEDICINE! DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?!!", the person kicked him to the ground stomping on his hand.

His bag fell to the ground, receiving the splatter of his blood. Damien clenched his teeth, taking in the pain he was receiving.

If only he could kill this person and live together with Adonis. It will be a dream come true.

"I....d-didn't have money..", struggling out those words he could see his vision blur.

The person walked out the house. "Fuckin' Parasite", slamming the door they left the bloodied boy in the floor writhing in pain.

Coughing up blood, Damien crawled upstairs to the bathroom. Collapsing his last thought before fainting was 'Sorry Adonis I don't think I could go tomorrow...'


'System can you check up on Damien for me? I just want to make sure he went home'

[Ok host, but I'm still kinda traumatized ~(>_<~)]

'Traumatized of what (・・ ) ?'

[...Just a certain something, I'd rather not say in fear of you getting mad at me, anyway I gotta go check on villain bye!    。。。ミヽ(。><)ノ].

Pondering for a moment, Adonis shrugged it off until system came back shouting.


He jumped up from his bed with no hesitation, putting on his shoes at top notch speed running out the house.

"Fuck!I might not get there in time!"

Using his magic once again he sped up time, but stopped it as soon as he reached the house.

Falling to the ground he panted, shakily standing on his legs he bursted through the door and went upstairs.

Shouting out in panic, Adonis's voice made Damien's hand twitch.



(Hey I'm back. I really like the relationship between Damien and Adonis it feels so fluffy that I can't get enough of it ( ‾́ ‾́ ). Expect updates with this story and the other. P.S I'm going to be creating a fanfic of WMMAP(Who made me a princess) check it out if you want! See you later!).

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