The Assasin Of The Mist!

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*3rd person pov*

They continued walking until eventually they saw a body of water. There stood a man on a small boat, Ryuko assumes waiting for them. The seating arrangments were

                      Naruto and Sakura

                       Sasuke and Ryuko

                        Kakashi and Tazuna

                                  The man

There was silence between Sasuke and Ryuko. Not a 'I need to make a conversation or else it would be awkward' type of silence. It was more of a 'Let's enjoy the quiet and calmness of the slowly flowing water'. The silence was interrupted when the man stated the bridge and our destination was close. Team 7 were all looking ahead, barely being able to see anything due to the fog being so thick. Eventually we saw a silhouette of a bridge. "Woah! It's Huge!!" Screamed the yellow blonde. The man quietly yells at him to keep his mouth shut. And with that he kept quiet, even going as far as holding his breath.Kakashi cleared his throat causing all of their attention to go on him, "Mister Tazuna I would like to aske you a question before we get to the pier..." he trailed of looking intensly at Tazuna, while Tazuna was looking straight a head with a blank look on his face. Kakashi took that as a sign to continue. "I need to know who those men who attacked us were. If you choose not to speak Im afraid we will have to end the mission one we reach the shore." "Hmmm...." we brought our attention to the alcohol-loving old man.He continued,"I have no choice but to tell you,no, I want you to know the truth. Like you said this is beyond the scope of the original mission. The one who seeks my head is a very short man who casts a very deadly and long shadow." "A deadly shadow? Hm, who is it?" kakashi question. " Im sure you know him or at least heard of him. He is one of the most wealthtiest men in the world. The shipping bandit, Gato." "Gato? Of Gato's Transport? He's a business leader everyone knows him." Kakashi stated. "Who who? What what?" the blonde eagerly wanted to know. "Gato is a very powerful ticoon from a company that's true, But underground, with the same methods he uses to take over businesses and nations, he sales drugs and contraband using gangs and ninjas. It was one year ago when Gato set his sight on The Land Of The Waves. He used his wealth to take over our transportation and shipping. Anyone who tried or did stand in his way simply disappeared. In an island nation a man who controls the sea controls everything. But there is one thing he fears. The bridge once I finish building that it will break his control on us. I am the Master Bridge Builder."

*Ryuko's Pov*

Once he finished telling the story i was suprised such a small man can cause so much damage. "oh so i see what you're saying, you're standing in Gato's way.' I hear Sakura state and that's when it clicked in my head."So that means..." i started. "The guys in the forest were working for Gato" Sasuke finished for me. "Uhhhh.Hmmmm" I look seeing Naruto still confused.'How slow can you be,poor naruto' i think while sweat droppoing."Wait Mister Tazuna if you knew they were going to send ninjas or gangsters to assasinate you why would you only call it a C ranked mission?" I questioned. His response was,"The Land Of Waves is a small nation, even our nobles have little money." There was a tense silence as we waited for him to continue. "Our village, we can't pay for a "A" or "B" ranked mission it's too expensive. If you end the mission once we get to the shore there will be no bridge.They'll assasinate me be fore i reach home.But don't worry about me, but my poor grandson will be be upset,he'll cry,"Grandad i want my grandad." he cried out in a obnoxiously annoying voice."Did he..did he just try to guilt trip us" I asked my older brother. "Hn. I guess so." he replied with a smirk. But it fell once he heard Tazuna continue "And my daughter she will cry and claim that The Hidden Leaf ninja are at fault of for leaving and abandoning her father." I heard a noise behind me and saw Sakura and Naruto with a look of worry. I then glance at my brothers face and see the look of annoyance on his face which I'm pretty sure my face replicated that look. "Well I guess we have no other choice. we'll have to keep guarding you." Our silver haired sensei stated. "Are you serious? You're gonna continue to help him after he tries to black mail us?" I stated with a soft glare towards my sensei. "We have no other choice Ryuko." He stated with a understanding tone and put his hand on my head.And with that my glare went away until i heard, "I'm very grateful." That's not what set me, what set me of was him looking over his shoulder and doing a piece sign and smiling, looking very accomplished. 'Ugh that scrawny no good old man' I think with the glare back on my face. There was a few minutes of silence until the man said we were only a few minutes till shore. We went through a tunnel and at the end of it it was a a small little 'homes'. The weather was nice and sunny. The calming sounds of the water moving and birds chirping. We stepped out the boat and bid Farwell to the man who dropped us off. We continued walking on the dirt path. I was walking next to Kakashi while the others were in the back. I glanced at him and he looked like he was deep in thought. i gently tapped him arm to catch his attention. He looked at me and gave me a closed eyed smile. "Sensei what's wrong?" i asked worried. "Nothing you need to worry about" he finished while he put his hand on top of my head and started patting my head. I decided not to push farther and just continued walking in silence. I noticed that Kakashi and I were now in the very back. We continued walking in silence until I saw Sasuke slightly walk a little faster, where he ended up next to Naruto. I saw Naruto glare at him and sped up and stood in front of us as he looked around. He suddenly looked to his right and threw  kunai. We looked at him wide eyed. We waited a while to see if anything will come out. But there was complete silence. "It was just a mouse" He said with a closed eyed smile. I rolled my eyes while Sakura yelled at him and Tazuna was shaking. Kakashi gave him a lecture then Tazuna called him a dwarf. "Naruto you can't be doing that, that's dangerous" I said but noticed he wasn't even paying attention. "I think someone's hiding over there. No they're over there!" He turned and threw another kunai. I saw Sakura punch him in the head and yelled at him. We looked over the bush and saw an all white bunny with tears streaming down its face. Then Sakura started yelling at him again. Naruto ran to the bunny and started apologizing. Everyone was watching Naruto apologize to the bunny, while I stared at Kakashi sensei separate from us. He looked like he was trying to figure something out. I walked up to him and gently touched his arm to get his attention. He looked at me but suddenly turned to stare at the tree. "Look out!!" He yelled out. He grabbed me and pulled me to the floor using his back to shield me if anything else were to happen. We all looked where the giant sword landed and there was a man on top of the sword in cow print clothes with a mask on his face. "Well well if it isn't it Zabuza Mamochi a rouge ninja from the village hidden in the mist." Naruto suddenly started running towards him but sensei stopped him before he could do anything reckless. "You're in the way. Step back." "But why?!"'"He's not like other ninja. He's in a whole other league." and with that I slowly took out a kunai knife just in case. "If he's our opponent I'll need this." sensei said and he raised his headband from his eye."And you're Kakashi of the sharingan. Am I correct?" With our eyes widened. 'Did he..did he just say sharingan?' "quick! Get in Manji formation and no matter what stay out of this fight." Kakashi said in a deadly serious tone. "I get to see the sharingan in action what an honor" The zabuza guy said. "Everyone  keeps saying sharingan sharingan. Would someone please tell me what sharingan is?" My blonde friend practically begged. "Sharingan is a rare power that comes from the eyes. The visual of this visual jutsu or dojutsu can instantly detect ninjutsu, taijutsu or genjutsu and reflect the attacks back to the attacker. The sharingan is a powerful and rare dojutsu. However there is more to it than just that, a lot more." Sasuke finished. "The sharingan comes from one clan only. That clan is the Uchiha clan." I added in. They looked as if the seen a ghost. They all had widened eyes and beads of sweat on their forehead. "You got it right boy. But you only scratched the surface of it. The sharingan can analyze an opponents technique and then copy it to the smallest detail." He finished explaining as mist and fog started to rise. "And as for you Jonin you are in the assassination book of the hidden mist to kill you on the sight. Your profile is in our bingo book. It called you the ,man who copied over a thousand jutsus. Kakashi the copy ninja." "Wow that's so cool!" Naruto yelled out. 'How does sensei have the sharingan? It only occurs in a few members of the of the Uchiha clan. My clan. Is sensei an Uchiha? No he couldn't be.' All these thoughts were running in my head. "Enough talking. I need to exterminate the old man. Now!" We all instantly got in formation.


Sasuke  Tazuna  Naruto


We surrounded him with out kunais out."So I'll have to eliminate you first huh Kakashi. So be it." Zabuza took out his sword from the tee trunk and landed on the water? 'How is he doing that?' I questioned to myself. The fog suddenly turned thicker making it harder to see a couple feet in front of us. Sensei walked in front of us and stood still. "Sensei?" I called out. "It's fine he'll come after me first." "Who is he?" Sakura called out to sensei. "Zabuza Mamochi. The ex leader of the hidden mist assassination unit. He's a master at the silent kill technique. As the name suggest he kills without sound or warning. It's so fast you past from this life without realizing what happened. The sharingan cannot fully neutralize it. So don't lower your guard." He stated deadly serious. "Well if we fail we only lose our lives" Kakashi joked. "How can you say that" Sakura said not taking the joke lightly. "The mist keeps getting thicker and thicker. It's making it harder for us to breathe" I announced. 'The village hidden in the waves is surrounded by ocean. If water is his specialty the mist won't ever stop." Tazuna stated. The mist got so thick I lost sight of sensei. Sakura called out to him but there was no response. We waited quietly waiting to hear even the slightest sound. "8 points." Zabuza suddenly announced. I heard Sakura and Naruto gasp. "Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, heart. Now which will be my kill point?" I stared sweating bullets. 'I don't know if I can handle it' I thought to myself. Suddenly I feel a gust of wind push the mist around us away. Then I felt it. 'That blood lust. He's hungry-,no, he's starving for blood."I thought while trembling. 'And it's not just Zabuzas blood thirst, Senseis too. It may not be directed to us but it's there and it's driving me insane.' I wasn't the only one affected by this. From the corner of my eye I looked at Sasuke and saw him suddenly point his kunai knife towards himself. 'I guess I wasn't the only one who thought of that option. But I wasn't going to put it into action' "Sasuke please don't do this. You're the only family I have. Don't leave me please." I begged him with tears welling up in my eyes. I kept staring at him. It was as if he was debating whether or not to give in or not. "Sasuke! Listen to your sister. You wouldn't want to be selfish and leave her behind would you? And besides I'll protect you all. Even if it costs me my life." Sensei said looking back at us with a closed eyed smile knowing he  successfully talked Sasuke out of it. "I wouldn't be so sure." Zabuza suddenly stated. He jumped out of a tree and landed right between Tazuna and I. I stared at him wide eyed. "It's over." He suddenly swung a kunai at me. I know I wouldn't be able to fight back so quickly jumped back as Kakashi took my spot swinging his own kunai at Zabuza. Sasuke and I landed on our feet while Naruto and Sakura landed on their backs. We heard a liquid spatter on the floor. I looked down and noticed that it was water? Then another Zabuza appeared behind Sensei. "Sensei! Behind you!!" Naruto yelled out to him, as the water 'Zabuza" dispersed. "Die!" Zabuza called out. He swung his giant sword at Kakashi and split him in two. But it also turned out to be water. 'I'm so confused where the real ones are.' I think trying to locate where they really are. Suddenly he appeared in the middle of all of us, but Kakashi was one step ahead and held a kunai right to his neck."Don't move..." Sensei told him. "Now it's over." He finished.

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