A Enthralled Companion

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Horror watched the Enthralled watch him. He woke up to find himself in another dimension. The dimensional realm was dark and cold. The only thing that provided him a light source was the strange glowing purple pedestals. He could feel waves of magic emanating off of the orbs that levitated over the stands. The last thing he remembered was falling into the portal. "My curiosity got the better of me..." thought Horror, "And look where it got me." A foolish mistake got him stuck with a monster. Well, at least he assumes so. The beast before him had those same dark tendrils wrapped around their body. It reminded Horror of the hole that was on his skull. He wondered if they hurt the other.

"They don't seem really comfortable..." The Enthralled crept towards the makeshift cage that Horror was confined in, and paused before speaking in a hoarse voice.

"Don't... worry... does... not... hurt..." Horror eye sockets widen at the voice. He didn't expect them to be able to speak. He opened his mouth to speak when they pointed a hand at him.

"Hurt..." Horror raised an eyebrow were they talking about his shattered skull? It hurt a lot in the past, but now it didn't throb as it did back then. Shaking his skull in denial, the Enthralled tipped their head to the side in a frown. No... the monster from above was hurt. Why were they trying to act tough? Heal. They must heal the monster. Gripping the thorn-like tendrils they moved them out of the way to reach Horror. Horror jumped back only for his back to hit the end of the makeshift cage. He had nowhere to go. Sweat formed at his skull as he watched the creature enter the cage.

"What should I do?" Horror's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. Suddenly he felt magic gather at the Enthralled hands. Oh, stars... they were gonna kill him! He wouldn't go down without a fight. His red eye light gleamed with magic illuminating the area with a violent red. The Enthralled frowned at the abrupt presence of magic. Why were they attempting to challenge him? He just wanted to heal the monster.

"Why... challenge... me?" They asked Horror. Went the injured monster didn't respond. Instead, they tilted their head in confusion. Taking this moment to strike they grabbed their arm and pulled the skeleton towards him. An alarming noise was emitted from the startled monster. Horror's magic flattered at the abrupt movement. This was it. This was how he would die. Horror about to accept his fate suddenly felt the very similar feeling of healing magic. The position that he was in reminded him of when Lust used to heal him. Closing his eyes Horror thought of the one time Lust was healing him.

"Horror, please be more careful." scowled Lust as he healed the injury on Horror's arm. Horror looked away from Lust. Not really ashamed. "I couldn't let them insult you, pumpkin." He whispered to his husband. Lust stopped and look up at Horror, a goofy smile on his face. "A little insult isn't gonna hurt me, sweetie," Said Lust. "Besides I heard worst." Lust kissed Horror on the cheek. Horror turned to look at Lust.

"I love you pumpkin." Horror stated. Lust grinned.

"And I love you too, sweetie."

Horror felt the Enthralled shift and he snapped his eye sockets open. He felt the throbbing pain gradually fade away. He must have cracked his skull when he fell. That's why they said he was hurt. It was because he was hurt. He lifted his head up to look at the monster. He saw that on their head sat a golden crown. It matched the creature's eye lights. "Another skeleton..." he muttered. The skeleton monster tilted its head. Right he should probably thank them, considering that they could understand him.

"Thank you... for healing me." They grinned at the word thank you and hugged Horror. "You... are... welcome!" They said in a chirpy voice. Horror couldn't help but smile. Their presence radiated a positive aura for some odd reason. Perhaps it was their magic. Horror looked around the room. He had to get out of here. But how? Turning towards the Enthralled an idea materialized in his head. Maybe they knew he way out.

"Hey... buddy," Started Horror "Do you know the way out of here?" They stared at Horror before speaking. "The way... out...?" he nodded. "Yeah. do you know where the exit is?" he tried again. They looked thoughtful for a few moments before sadly shaking their head. "Oh... I see." Horror got up and stepped out of the cage. It looks like he would have to search for an exit now. After all, every entrance must have an exit somewhere. He would have to be more careful. If this creature lurked down here, then who knows what else would be down here. The Enthralled hurriedly seized Horror's hand and pulled him back. They couldn't leave! They would be alone! It was dangerous. So many prowled down in the darkness. Horror turned to them a confusion worn on their face. "Buddy... look. I can't stay. I have to find my husband." They frantically shook their head in denial. "No! Stay!" They cried out in distress. Horror's soul was felt a sting of sadness. Maybe... they could travel together. It would be worth a shot. After all, they seemed to live in the area.

"Uh... how about you go with me?" he proposed to the other monster. Go? Go with them? Yes. If they go with them... they wouldn't be alone! They happily nodded in agreement.

"Looks like it's settled... uh..." What should he call them? Did they have a name? As if reading his mind they spoke up.

"Dream... Dream... is my name..." They softly told him. Horror grinned. Dream. What a pleasant name.

"The name's Horror." He said in a gruff voice. "It's nice to meet you."

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