A Game of Cat and Mouse(s)

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Murder happens


 "Dream?" Horror called out to his unconscious friend, "Dream...?" Dream remained limp in his arms. Another growl filled the area, causing Horror to glance nervously around the room. They definitely weren't safe here. Dream didn't even stir when Horror lifted him up from the ground. "Guess that meltdown took a lot out of him..." Mused Horror as he carefully made his way into a small area. He couldn't carry Dream while trying to evade the monsters down here. "Guess I have to wait for him to wake up." Dream had helped him earlier, and he had to repay him. As Horror listened to the distant growls, he let out a sigh of relief. That had been close... a little too close, in fact. Horror felt his left shoulder and let out a hiss. The newly raw wound on his shoulder blade stung as he slowly peeled the clothing away from it. Yes. It hurts like hell, but he had to see the damage. Straining his neck he glanced down and wrinkled his brows. It... looked worse then if felt. He would have to heal that if he wanted to continue. Horror felt movement coming from the figure on his lap. Looking down he was met with a pair of goldeneye lights.

"You awake now sleeping beauty?" Chuckled Horror as Dream sat up; a confused expression is written on his face. Where...? He was sure that they were gonna meet his brother... so why were they back in Lust'ghaa?

"What happened?" Dream asked Horror who in return laughed humorlessly at the question. "Well... you see..." He took a deep breath before explaining the previous events that had gone down.

"You had a mental breakdown when we were about to meet Nightmare, and I freaked out and rushed off... Killer gave chase and I jumped into a portal,." Horror paused before continuing, "Luckily... he didn't manage to follow us here." Dream blinked owlishly at him. Had... had he really been out of it for that long? Horror could have left me... but he didn't. A smile made its self up to his face. He... felt relieved... happy even. He turned to look at Horror when he suddenly noticed the ever-growing patch of red on their shoulder. Dream paled at the sight.

"H-Horror! You're hurt!" Dream's hand hovered over the wound. He had to heal him! He felt Horror wince as he peeled the clothing away from his shoulder. Quickly Dream uttered an apology. When he finally got a good look at the wound, Dream's eye lights vanished. Oh, stars. It looks... "It looks terrible!" quickly he placed his hand over the wound, "W-what happened?!" he asked as he started healing the wound up.

"A knife." Horror said plainly.

"A knife?!" Horror nodded.

"A butcher knife in fact."

Dream shook his head in disbelief. "Horror, you have to be more careful." he scowled. Horror nodded trying not to shift his injured arm. A few minutes passed before Dream drew away from the injury.

"I... I tried my best." He said softly. Horror rolled his shoulder back and smiled. "You did great Dream." Dream smiled shyly and looked towards the entrance of the small area. He had to chock down a scream at what awaited them at the entrance. His eyes never leaving the beast he reached for Horror.

"H-Horror!" He whispered urgently while shaking his companion. Horror looked up to find another Enthralled. This one... didn't look so friendly. They were trapped... that was the only entrance and exit to this area. Horror turned to Dream a grim expression on his face.

"Think you can run?" He asked, Dream slowly nodded. "Great. Let's go."




The duo ran down the narrow hallway the Enthralled screeching after them. Somehow they managed to get past the monster. How they did it was beyond Horror. Adrenaline had taken over Horror as he ran down the hall and into a new room. He heard Dream panting from behind him. He was getting tired. How long could they keep on running? He had to stop this game of cat and mouse. And fast. Closing his eyes he reached into his inventory and pulled out the bloody butcher knife that had penetrated his shoulder. This... this can do. It felt different from his ax, but it would do.

"Dream I need you to go ahead of me." Dream looked up at him bewildered. W-was Horror crazy?! He could die! Dream opened his mouth to protest when another screeched filled the area. Horror grabbed Dream and pushed him forward. "Go!" He yelled at him. Dream hesitated before doing as they commanded.

After Dream had gotten far away from him he turned to see the Enthralled enter the room. His grip on the butcher knife tightened as he steeled himself to the ground. Eye glowing furiously he grinned. How long had it been since he had last done this? He knew that the beast had seen him as they immediately sent a scream directed towards him.

"Come at me buddy." Horror called out. No... he dared it too. It let out another ear-piercing scream as it charged at him. Time seemed to have slowed down as he raised the large knife into the air. An unheard countdown playing as it got closer and closer to him.


















Horror brought down the knife with all his might at the Enthralled. He felt its blood splatter onto his face as the knife penetrated its skin. Excitement crawled up his spine as it fell to the ground. Ripping out the knife he looked down at the fallen creature. He had to make sure... raising the weapon he brought it down once more. Again and again. Until blood was splattered all over the ground and walls.

Dream covered his ears(?) from the sound that was being emitted from the room behind him. The sound of flesh being stabbed at over and over again. He didn't dare open his eyes. Afraid of what he would see. Then it all went silent. Then a hand on his shoulder made him look up to see who it was. Horror was covered in blood. The sight made him want to cry.

"I-is it dead?" he asked quietly. Horror nodded and reached out a hand. Dream took it and stood up. Hesitantly he wiped away at the blood splattered on Horror's face. Horror let him. After attempting his best he let out a shaky breath he didn't know he had in him.

"Let's go."

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