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Warnings: Implied Rape

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

"There. You're all clean now." Dream barely registered the statement that was spoken to him. "It hurts..." he whispered. Referring to the burning pain that was centered around his pelvis. If Nightmare heard Dream, he didn't say anything. He felt a fluffy towel be wrapped around his small shivering frame. "Warm..." Dream thought as he touched the fabric. It was warm. Until the cruel tendrils that had held him down; against the mattress. He wanted to curl up in a ball and die. Well, maybe sleep. He was drained after their... "session." Maybe... maybe Nightmare would let him sleep. A nice warm bath and then a nap afterward sounded like a paradise to him. As he allowed the other monster to dry him, Dream began to wonder. Nothing too; special really. Just about things mostly. He wanted to dislocate himself as much as possible from the present.

"You know," Nightmare began, " It's been so long since I last saw you." Dream just nodded in response. "It has been a while." he thought. Years? Centuries? He didn't exactly have a calendar to keep track of the days. But it must have been a while. Letting out a yawn; he, felt Nightmare lifted him out of the tub. At this point, should he even try anymore? "Is giving up the right decision?" Dream stared at the tiled walls when everything became dark.

"No, it's not... stay determined..."




Horror turned a corner and listened for Killer. Nothing. Hopefully, he finally got the crazed skeleton off his tail. Taking this chance to catch his breath. He was exhausted from running. He had to find Dream and fast! "I hope nothing bad happened to him..." He really did hope so. But in an absurd mansion like this, he could only think of the worse. And Horror once again thought of how he got into this mess. It started off pretty simple to be honest. He came here to find his husband and, then life decides that it wasn't enough. So now he's hiding from a knife-wielding psychopath. Horror let out a sigh. "How did things get so complicated?" He thought. Just as Horror was about to leave the corner, he stopped at the sound of footsteps.

"Horror~!" Killer's voice echoed down the hall, "Where are you~?"

Crap. Crap crap crap crap! Where should he hide? Where was there to go? While Killer seemed pretty playful, the other was in no way stupid. Even though he looked like it. "He'll probably check the rooms..." there was nowhere to go. He was trapped. The footsteps got closer and closer, and just as Horror was about to accept his fate, the door of the room behind him opened and, someone pulled him in.

"Wha-?" The person had exited the room before he even saw them. Did... did they save him? Suddenly he heard Killer's muffled voice from outside. Horror stayed silent as he strained to listen to the conversation behind the door.

"Oh... it's just you." Killer stated at the monster before him. He really hoped it was his prey. They nodded at the question before staring at Killer. "Have you seen another skeleton pass by here?" The monster let out a hum as they thought. They shook their head in denial.

"I apologize. I haven't seen another skeleton pass down these halls beside you." a silky voice answered. Killer huffed in disappointment. It seems like they haven't seen Horror either. Too bad. Maybe Horror passed this area. "Thanks, See ya~!" They listened to the fading sound of Killer's footsteps until it was gone. After making sure the coast was clear, they returned towards the room they had previously been in. Hesitantly they knocked softly on the door.

"I'm coming in now." they warned Horror. Horror took a few steps back from the door. He had to know why they helped him. "Considering how everyone acts here... they must have done it for some benefit," Horror thought, "I have to be cautious. Better safe than sorry." The door now fully opened Horror's cautiousness wavered. It couldn't be... tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. "P-Pumpkin?" he chocked out as he was overwhelmed by emotion. Lust advanced into the room and smiled sadly.

"Hello, Sweetie."



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