Chapter 5

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Pearl was moved to the hospital, Jamie and Eddie were so tired of things happening to their little girl that they started to take her everywhere they dropped her from her school, she got a phone that had a button that was pressed to alert the closest law enforcement, and she was never left alone again.

She was fine with it at first but when she asked her dad if she could go to the movies with friends, he said no but surprisingly she was fine with it.

It was Sunday at the dinner table, "mommy, daddy can I tell grandpa?" Asked Pearl.

"Yes," replied Eddie.

"Tell me what?" Asked Grandpa. Danny shrugged, Pearl stood on Grandpa's legs, as Pearl was sitting in Grandpa's lap, and whispered in his ear.

"Did he now?" Asked grandpa.

"Yes, yes, yes, YES!!"

"Alright the suspense is killing me, tell us," said Danny.

"It appears that Jamie Reagan helped deliver twins,"

"Again? What is it with you and delivering baby's?" Asked Erin.

"What happened?" Asked Gramps

"Yeah, tell us the story!" Said Sean

"We were called to a restaurant, just before our tour ended, when we find out that the woman is in labor, it was clear she had been in labor for two or three hours at that point. And Jamie sat her on the floor I held her hand she popped a couple of my knuckles and delivered twins, a boy and a girl," said Eddie.

"So Jamie has delivered three babies," said Erin pointing out the obvious.

"It kinda ruined my dinner for the next day," said Eddie.

"And that is a very hard thing to do considering she eats everything in the fridge," said Jamie.

"Well, why didn't Eddie deliver this one?"

"She froze and didn't help much,"

"Daddy helped!!"

"Now can anyone beat Jamie's story?" Asked Papa.

"Don't think so," said Danny.

"Maybe not but Pearls Step-dad's trial was brought to my attention,"

"And?" Asked Danny

"We made the wrong call,"

Four days later Jamie was called into the PC's office.

And had his stripes removed, he went to Danny. Danny gave him no chance to say a word and ranted out Jamie about disrespecting the family name. He went to Erin for a little consolation but got the same lecture. He stayed overnight on the streets, and went home to pack, walking out as Eddie opened the door, "Jamie? Thank god your ok, what happened with the PC? Why didn't you come home? They said you resigned, did you? Pearl was so worried."

"No family, they hate me, Pearl not like me, wife leave me, family hate me," he was whispering to himself.

"J-J-Jamie? Can you talk to me?"

"I have to go,"

"Go where?"

"Outside and no family to come home to,"

"Jamie what are you talking about? Never mind I'll call the commissioner and get things settled down, ok?"

She then took out her phone and started to dial the commissioner, when she turned around to not see Jamie.

Two days later she still hadn't seen Jamie, even while patrolling the streets.

It was a day later that she was called to assist in keeping out a crowd away from a fire, it was her final hour on the job for the day. When she arrived on scene she say someone on the third floor, "boss is there supposed to be someone up there?"

Young Blood. Fem!Percy/Blue bloods crossover.Where stories live. Discover now