Chapter 8

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After breakfast Danny sighed, "Just like how mom used to make them, you should make them more often, and tell me anytime you decide to make them,"

"Might as well, I make about three or four dozen a batch."

"Which one?"

"Four dozen,"

"Four dozen? Can I take a dozen to work to give to Baez?"

"Fine, go to the PC's office and make a secret delivery, also Erin's office, as well a delivery to Gramps."

"Ok, as long as I get some."

"I'll make more and make a personal delivery tomorrow to your house."

"Great, I could live off them."

"Daddy, who's recipe is this?"

"My moms, your grandma."

Just as Danny left, Jamie collapsed on the couch.

Danny walked in as Baez asked him, "Why are you late?"

"I was at my kid brothers place for breakfast, I brought you some of my mom's secret Sticky Buns recipe. They are the best, and the recipe has been handed to my kid brother somehow."

Baez took one bite and gobbled it down, "This is great, can I have another?"

He handed her the box, "MINE, don't take," claimed Baez.

"But half of them are mine," complained Danny.

"No, all mine!!"


"Reagan, Baez I have a case I need you to work,"

When Erin arrived she saw on her desk a box, she opened it to see her mom's Sticky Buns, she immediately started eating them, "Anthony, who left this package on my desk?"

"Danny, why?"

"I need to know who has my mom's Sticky Buns recipe,"

"Danny brought them, but he didn't make them,"

"How do you know?"

"He said Jamie made them,"

Erin grabbed for her phone but she remembered she had a court appearance in twenty minuets. "Don't eat them!!"

Frank sat down at his desk, when Baker walked in, "Sir Detective Reagan dropped off this box, said that it was from Jamie,"

She placed it in his desk and walked out the door, Frank opened it to see his wife's Sticky Buns. "Baker come in,"


"Have one," she reached in and grabbed one, "sticky buns?"

"My wife's secret recipe, only who has the recipe. Who did you say gave you the box?"

"Detective Reagan, but he did say it was from Jamie."

'So Jamie has the recipe,' thought Frank.

When Jamie got home from the grocery store he walked in to see some of the officers that were under his command in it. "Eddie, what is all this?"

"Well we wanted you to comeback to command, so we came here, as we knew you wouldn't want to come back to the precinct so we came here."

"Wait, you all want me back?"

"I mean, this is half of your command but most of the rest agree. You were the best Sergeant we've had so we do want you back. Even though your stripes were removed and put back on, both by your dad. So we know what happened when your stripes were removed it wasn't intended. If you want to come back, we will all accept you again!!" Said Officer Jordan.

Young Blood. Fem!Percy/Blue bloods crossover.Where stories live. Discover now