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I can't believe after three years of visiting different packs across the states we're finally coming home. Three years and we've all changed, Rollo I know definitely can't wait to go back to be with my sister. When we found out that they were mates it was a little weird for me. My beta's about to be my brother-in-law, my best friend since we were cubs literally. "Ryder" Rollo says walking up to me, I look over at him before looking back out over the cliff of the mountain.

"Don't you think it's time to get back in the jeep? We still have about five hours left to drive." He says coming up to my side. "Do you think i'm mateless Ro?" I ask kicking a rock that was in front of me. "Why do you think that?" I cross my arms, "You have my sister which still can't believe, and Will has Sarah. We've been all over the states and still no one."

He put his hands behind his head, "maybe they're back home? You know, the place we still have five hours left to drive to" he said glaring at me. "ROLLO! RYDER! WE GOING?" Yelled a voice from the back of the jeep. We turn to look at Will hanging halfway out the window, we both chuckle before Rollo pats my shoulder going back to the vehicle. "Maybe he is back home" I say before getting into the passenger seat.

My phone beeps and I see it's Sierra texting me, a picture? Do I even have a picture on my phone of myself, why does she even want one? Oh, it's for Ollie? The kid that everyone talks about Ollie? Hmm, well if he want's a picture then I want a video. I smirk before looking back at Will.

"Hey do you have a good picture of us on the cliff from Washington?" He pulls out his phone and scrolls through the pictures, "yeah I do. Do you want it?" "Yeah i'm sending it to Sierra." Rollo looks at me from the corner of his eye, "Sierra wants a picture of us?" I shake my head has a text from Asher comes. "oh he sent the video" I mumble opening it. I blush a little bit and I can hear Odin my wolf purr in delight. "What was the video?" Will asked from the back, I showed him and he started blushing. "Well that was umm, whose the dude?" "Ollie" I mumble rewatching the video before texting Sierra and sending her the picture.

"What was that about?" Rollo asked, "Ollie wanted to see what I looked like-" "So you sent him a picture of all three of us and its not even a close up!" Will said laughing. I turned and smacked the back of his head, "Yeah, but I mean in the video he's wearing a hat so it's not like I really know what he looks like." "You sound interested" Will says smirking. I shrug, "I mean might as well have a little bit more fun until I find my mate."

I send a couple more texts to Sierra and Asher before putting my phone away and just relaxing.

'Don't give up just yet Ryder. I can feel my mate.' 'I know Odin, I know' I say back to him.

Will leans forward, "SO the bonfire is next weekend, will Ollie be there?" Rollo chuckles, "I bet he wouldn't miss this for the world just to get a glimpse of Ry." I just shake my head at the two of them. "The minute I mention the poor kid you two just have to start being weird." "What can we say, we want you to get laid" Will laughed from the back. I scoff "um I'm pretty sure i'm the only one in the car that's gotten laid in the past three years you guys." They both blush knowing its true since their mates were back home and away.

"Yeah that's what I thought" I mumble before closing my eyes to go to sleep. I can hear Rollo and Will talking softy before I knock out.

I wake when we get close to the pack houses in the woods. Will shakes my arm excitedly "look look look!" he says pointing out the window to a small pack of wolves running along side the jeep. "Is that Jack, Asher, Todd and Eric?" Rollo asks glancing over at them. I nod and wave at the wolves before they disappear when we pull up to my house. My mom and Dad are standing outside the door waiting for us to exit the vehicle. Sierra comes running out the front door, "RY! ROLLO!!" She says giving me a quick hug before hugging Rollo. Will just fakes a sniffle, "no Will? I see how you are" he says before she punches his arm.

I look around as we walk inside, hoping to see Ollie but I guess he wasn't here. "Looking for Ollie?" Asher whispers in my ears, I look down at him  before putting him in a headlock that makes him scream. I laugh before giving him a noogie, "maybe, I thought he would be here, I mean with how much he spends his time here." Asher taps out, "he has his dance competition next week so everyday he's at the studio either helping with the classes or rehearsing" Sierra says walking in with Rollos's arm over her shoulder. I nod my head.

Asher gasps for air, "yeah and now they're doing a kpop dance class so he's teaching that for the dudes in the advance group" he says walking into the kitchen. "Oh my people" Rollo says walking into the kitchen after Sierra. Will's already in the fridge pulling food out to make himself a plate while mom gets drinks for everyone. "So he's like really into dancing?" Will asks before mom smacks him for talking with food in his mouth. "Yeah and he's really good and i'm not just saying that because he's my best friend and stuff but i've seen all the awards and trophies him and Thalia his sister have" Sierra says leaning over Rollo's back to take a piece of chicken off his plate.

I sit down and drink the beer my dad sat in front of me, "yeah your mom and I have gone to a couple of the showcases they have had and he's really good" Dad says pulling out a chair next to me. "You can tell he's free when he dances" mom says at the stove softly. "Like when we run?" I ask, she smiles and nods "yeah exactly."

Dancing in the woodsWhere stories live. Discover now