Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:
A Plan Is Hatched

Lavender tossed and turned, the sound of the tv blaring downstairs keeping her awake. A groan past her lips as she readjusted her pillow. Her eyes focused on the clock on her wall as the seconds turned into minutes and the minutes turned into hours. Until it was two am. Lavender huffed, spreading out her arms on her bed as she clicked her tongue repeatedly, trying to get herself to feel tired.

Thoughts of Stanley flirting with Sydney ran rampant through her head, causing disappointment to spread from her heart throughout her body. It was like she wasn't even there most of the time. Lavender hated feeling invisible with a passion. That's probably why she was so argumentative about what she believed in.

She sat up and ran her hands through her hair as she let out a breath of hair. Lavender raised her arms above her head, stretching her arms as she fell backwards on her bed, letting her hair fan out around her as she counted the ticking of the clock.

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six." The constant ticking began to drive her insane after an hour of counting. "Ugh.. Damnit!"

Lavender wondered why Stanley didn't like her. She thought she was pretty cool, Syd and Dina thought so too. So why didn't Stanley? She didn't understand. It's not like she was unlikeable, right? Lavender just wanted to understand why Stanley continuously pined after a girl who showed no interest in him whatsoever.

Syd so obviously liked Dina, and she so obviously didn't like boys like that at all, to Lavender. She didn't want Stanley to get his heart broken because of her.

Lavender suddenly sat up again, an idea popping into her head. She sat for a moment, wondering if she should go to Syd now. It only took her a minute to decide because something told her she should.

The girl tossed the covers over herself and moved so that she was sitting on the edge of her bed. She gripped the edge of her matress, staring at the stars in the sky. She reached onto her nightstand and picked up her phone..

I'm coming over.

Lavender stood up and slid her phone into her green pajama shorts. She slipped on her boots and quietly opened the door of her bedroom before tiptoeing down the stairs.

Lavender held her breath, listening to the snoring from Eric on the couch. She sighed quietly as she draped a blanket over the sleeping man before leaving the house.

The wind biting against her face sent goosebumps appearing on her skin as she shivered. Lavender pulled the hood over her head, tightening the strings on her hood. "Fuckin.. bullshit weather."

Her feet carried her down the barren side walk, the flickering street lamps above her head illuminated her path. The sounds of the crickets in the grass lured her into a dazed state as she passed Stanley's house, noticing that his lights were on. "Interesting."

A small smile crossed her face and she increased her speed when Syd's house came into view. Lavender ducked under the living room window as she snaked around to Syd's window.

"Syd! Hey." Lavender repeatedly knocked on her window, "Syd."

The window opened, revealing a frightened looking Syd. "Wh-What?"

"I hav- What's wrong?" Lavender asked, leaning over to see the large crack on her bedroom wall. "Holy shit, what happened?"

"I-I.. old house." Syd said, stepping to the side so that Lavender could crawl inside. Lavender pulled herself up and hopped into her room, brushing her hands of and looking down at Sydney.

"You don't look too good. See a ghost or some shit?" Lavender crouched so that she was eye to eye with Syd, because she was a good eight inches taller than her.

Syd rolled her eyes, putting her hands on Lavender's shoulders and forcing her to stand up straight. "I hate when you crouch like that."

Lavender giggled, leaning against the window sill as she focused her eyes on the wall behind Syd. The girl looked back at the crack momentarily before locking eyes with Lavender. "What?"

"You should probably like.. put a fucking dresser in front of that." Lavender shrugged, brushing her finger against the wooden window sill. "Just a suggestion."

Syd laughed nervously, falling backwards onto her bed and staring at the cieling above her. Lavender frowned as she watched Syd's chest rise and fell unevenly, "You want me to stay the night.. or do you need me to stay the night?"

Syd turned her head to look at Lavender. She didn't say anything or move, but the taller girl knew what she needed.

She kicked her boots off, resting them in the corner of Syd's room as she slowly walked over and helped Syd under the covers. Syd looked up at her, fear clear in her eyes as she scooted over in the bed.

Lavender lifted the covers, sliding onto the bed and letting the covers fall onto her body.

She gently slid an arm around Syd's waist, pressing a kiss against the back of the girls neck. "You don't have to talk or tell me what happened, but I'm here for you. I love you."

Syd inhaled sharply, blinking the tears away as Lavender gently traced circles on her stomach with her thumb. Syd shut her eyes, enjoying the feeling of Lavender touching her so delicately. Her heart warmed as Lavender pulled her closer, nuzzling her head into Syd's hair.

Lavender shut her eyes, inhaling deeply as Syd laced her fingers with hers and pulled their intertwined hands close to her chest. "What's your plan?"

"We can talk about it tomorrow." Lavender whispered, "You should just get some sleep right now."

Syd nodded, tightening her grip on Lavender's hands. "Thank you."

Lavender pressed a kiss to the back of Syd's head, "Anything for you."


{ A/n: lavender flirting and cuddlomg with syd and being a bicon >>>>> also i hope this isnt out of character but im sleep deprived and trying my best }

{ Edited: No }

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