Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Five:

Joey Leon


Lavender let out a loud laugh as Ricky badly sang along to the songs playing through the shared earbuds. It was their shared free period, and they decided to watch the gym class suffer. "You're so bad."

"Stop laughing at me, man." Ricky pouted, jutting his lip out. Lavender covered her mouth with her hands as she watched the gym class jog around the track field. 

"No can do, fruitboy. It's just so funny to here your shitty singing voice." Lavender stuck her tongue out at him. Ricky scoffed, jokingly rolled his eyes as he thought of a comeback. 

"Well-" Ricky's sentence was cut off short as a senior ran up to them, clearly talking himself into something as he stopped at the end of the bleachers.                                          

"Hey, Lav!" Lavender turned her head to see Joey Leon, one of the boys on the baseball team. 

"Joey. Nice to see you." Lavender smiled kindly, leaning on her knees as she pulled the earbud from her right ear. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah. Yeah, you can actually." Joey rested his foot on the metal bleachers, blowing his dark hair from his eyes. "As you know.. Homecoming is coming up this weekend."

"Mhm.." Lavender hummed, raising her eyebrows and tossing her green hair behind her shoulder. "Yeah.."

"I was thinking.. You and me could go to Homecoming together.. As a date, and we could get dinner after." He sent her a flirty wink as his lips curved into a smile, "What are we thinking?"

Lavender grimaced, straightening her back as she rolled up her gray sweatshirt sleeves. "I'm sorry, Joey.. I would, but.. I actually already have a date."

"I don't see 'em." Joey said stubbornly, crossing his arms and looking around the mostly empty bleachers. 

"You're looking at him, man." Ricky scoffed, rolling his eyes. Joey knitted his eyebrows together, his face reddening in embarrassment as he stepped off the bleachers. The boy's eyes widened as he looked from Lavender to Ricky. Ricky shot him a look, silently telling him to fuck off. "I'm her date."

"I-I didn't know that you.. Okay, sorry. Uh. I'll go." The boy stammered, raising his hands in surrender. Lavender stifled a laugh as she watched Joey run off back to his baseball friends. 

"Wow." Lavender nodded slowly, taking the earbud from his fingers. "You kinda scared that kid off."

"Only for you, crayon girl." Ricky grinned, nudging the girl. Lavender scoffed, rolling her eyes as she changed the Spotify song. 

"Whatever, fruit boy." Lavender laughed, gently punching him on the shoulder. "You're just saying that because I'm hot as fuck."

Ricky chuckled and shook his head, "Can't disagree with that. The green really suits you, crayon girl."

"Perv." Lavender snickered, shoving him. "Nasty ass." 


"Can we talk?" 

Lavender scoffed, slamming the locker shut as Sydney's voice filled her ears. She turned to her, her expression clearly annoyed as she rose her eyebrows. "Oh, so now you wanna talk?"

Sydney uncomfortably, avoiding Lavender's gaze. Lavender scanned her face, growing angrier and angrier with each passing second. "Because last time I checked, my feelings were completely fucking irrelevant to you and you didn't care about how you made me feel."

"Lav, I-" Sydney started, cutting herself short as she bit her lip and looked away. 

"Lav, I, what? Hm?" Lavender narrowed her eyes. "I thought last night meant something to you."

"It did." Sydney said urgently, "I swear to God it did."

"Oh, really?" Lavender snapped, "Because I could've sworn you told Stan that nothing happened. When something clearly fucking did. You're unbelievable, Sydney, you know that?  Completely un-fucking-believable." 

Sydney flinched at the sound of her full name, clearing her throat and looking away from Lavender's cold stare. "It meant something to me, it meant so much to me, Sydney. I fucked the entire plan up because I liked you, and I thought you liked me too. Then I find out you were gonna go to homecoming with Stan. What, am I gonna find out you kissed Dina, too? You can't just mess with people's feelings like that. It's fucked up."

Sydney's heart sank into her stomach and she avoided Lavender's eyes as she shifted uncomfortably, trying to figure out what to say.

"Lav.." Sydney trailed off, shoving her hands in her pockets as she looked up at the girl, her eyes pleading.

"Not not, Sydney." Lavender cut her off, her voice quieter and sadder as she looked down at her boots. "I'm going dress shopping with some of the girls on the team."

"Hey, Lav, you ready to go?" Lizzie asked, glancing at Sydney as she gestured to the two girls at the end of the hallway. "Elle's got the car pulled up waiting for us. We're gonna get ice cream on the way home, too. Oh! And me and Elle are gonna match, I know we won't win Homecoming queen and... queen." 

Lavender nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready.. See you tomorrow, Sydney. So what color you lovely ladies gonna get?"

Sydney watched with a heavy heart as Lavender disappeared with her friends. A loud sigh left her lips as she leaned against the locker. Her eyes fell shut and her fingers gripped the cold metal of the locker. Her knuckles began to turn white from the tight grip she held on the locker. 

"Fuck." She murmured to herself as she let her eyes fall shut. She was angry at herself for hurting Lavender like that. She was angry at herself for hurting Stanley like that. Sydney was angry at herself. Sydney could not believe that she'd hurt Lavender. She regretted saying that nothing had happened the moment she saw the look of hurt and pain flash through Lavender's eyes. 

To know that she was the cause of that drove Sydney insane. She just wanted to run up to Lavender and apologize, to kiss her again and again and again until she understood that the kiss meant more than anything to else in the world to Sydney. Oh, what she would give to turn back the clock and stop herself from saying that to Lavender. 

Because maybe if she hadn't said that, then maybe she still wouldn't be going to Homecoming with Stan.. Maybe Lavender wouldn't have asked Ricky to be her date, maybe they wouldn't be together. Maybe if Sydney hadn't said anything, maybe.. just maybe they would be going to Homecoming together... as a couple. 

But no. She had to open her mouth.


{ A/n: next chapter is the last chapter already,,,,,,, wild }

{ Edited: No }

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