Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:
Counted To Ten Thousand

"Hey, I really appreciate you taking me home, Stan." Lavender said, tearing her eyes from the rainy forest to look at him. "Eric would've flipped his shit if I missed curfew again."

"It's no problem, really." Stanley said, shrugging, "So.. You and Ricky, huh?"

Lavender choked on her spit, violent coughs racking her body as she turned to look at him. "Wha-What?"

"Yeah, Syd was telling me about it.." Stanley explained, glancing over at her. Lavender knitted her eyebrows together, slowly shaking her head. "She-She didn't seem too happy about it, kind of angry, I guess.. Do you think she likes Ricky?"

"We're not together." Lavender shook her head, "And Syd doesn't like Ricky.."

Why would she even care? Lavender wondered. She likes Dina, after all. Not me and not Ricky.

"So, she-" Stanley cut himself off as a figure, resembling Syd, ran across the road. "Oh, fuck!"

Lavender yelped as Stanley crashed into an unknown object and quickly got out of the car.

Lavender gently shut the car door, not wanting to cause any more damage as she locked eyes with a fearful Stanley. He stared down at the busted bumper, "Oh, no, oh God, oh, shit! Shit!"

Lavender turned around, stumbling back when Syd's voice rang out through the valley. "Fuck!"

"Holy shit!" Lavender cursed, looking around at the trees as they were pulled from the roots.

"What the fuck?" Stanley murmered, looking at the fallen trees.

"Syd! Are you okay?" Lavender called, leaving Stanley's side and walking down the hill. A curse left her dark red tinted lips as she slipped in the mud, becoming covered in the substance as she quickly stood up. "Syd!"

Stanley's eyes widened as he walked and stood beside Lavender. "Syd? How did you? I mean- I mean.. you-you.. you just.."

Sydney whipped around, visibly becoming nervous as she approached them. "They were like this when I got here! I-I swear! They were."

"Syd.." Lavender said slowly, her gaze softening as she watched her.

"No, no, no, no. I.. We saw you, Syd." Stanley said slowly.

"Well, you better keep this a secret, okay? Both of you! Not a word. Not a fucking word! Got it?" Syd snapped, pointing at each of them. "Promise me! Please!"

"Y-Yes." Lavender stammered, nodding her head quickly.

"Okay, I-I promise, Syd."

Syd nodded slowly as she backed up before darting into the forest. Lavender stood frozen in place, watching her.

Her heart screamed at her to chase after her. To chase after Sydney and to make sure she was okay. Her entire body flooded with the need to check on her. To make sure that she was okay and taken care of.

Sydney meant everything to Lavender. She would literally kill someone to make sure that she was happy. Lavender needed to make sure Sydney was okay. So, she did.

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