Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve:
Stanley Barber's Master Plan

"I need your help." Sydney said slowly, crossing her arms and sheepishly looking down at her feet.

Stanley puffed his cheeks out as he nodded his head slowly. "Hm.. Okay, so you're talking to me now?"

Sydney rolled her eyes, balling her hands into fists as she looked up at them, "Listen!"

"Oh, oh.. Interesting. Interesting. You want us to listen."

"Syd, what's going on?" Lavender said slowly, carefully raising her hand and taking Sydney's into hers. "We can help you."

"Stan, seriously!" Sydney persisted, pulling Lavender to her side. "You need to shut up and you both need to follow me right now."

"Oomph." Lavender let out as she tried to catch her footing after Sydney roughly pulled a long.

Sydney raised her finger, shakily pointing to the library doors, "In there."

"The library? It can't be too bad." Lavender knitted her eyebrows together, pulling her hand away from Sydney's as she stepped forward. Sydney bit her lip, glancing over at Stanley as Lavender reached forward and pushed the door open.

"Woah.." Lavender's eyes widened at the state of the now destroyed library. "Holy shit."

Sydney shifted uncomfortably as Lavender stepped over the books. "You don't have to make it such a big deal, okay?"

"Right, right.. Sorry." Lavender's voice trailed off as she leaned down and picked up a book, she read the title to herself before gently tossing the book back down.

"What.. happened here?" Stanley asked carefully, running his fingers through his hair as he trailed his eyes over the wrecked library. "I-I mean-"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Sydney snapped, cutting Stanley's sentence off short. Lavender grimaced  as she watched Sydney's facial expression change.

"Why?" Stanley continued, ignoring the looks Lavender gave him, silently telling him to be quiet.

"Because I don't!" Sydney shouted, crossing her arms and glaring at the taller boy, "Okay?"

Lavender cleared her throat, narrowing her eyes at Stanley as she silently told him not to push her and further. Sydney shifted uncomfortably under the intense gazes of Stanley and Lavender. "So.. are you gonna help me or not?"

"Hey, it's okay, Syd. We'll figure this out, and I'll help you clean this whole thing up, okay? And then we can go get burgers and dye my hair."

"I mean.. We'd need a carpenter or a miracle to fix this-" Stanley trailed off with a nervous laugh, "So, if you've got either of those-"

"Yeah, I don't care about fixing it." Stanley cut him off, pulling her eyes from Lavender and slowly looking towards the security camera in the corner. Lavender followed her gaze, quiet swears leaving her lips when her eyes landed on the camera. "I care about that."

"Oh, shit." Lavender grumbled, causing Stanley to follow their gazes. A nervous look flashed across his face, but he quickly covered it as he slowly looked back to the two girls. 

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