honest hearts (Joshua Graham x male reader)

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Tw: general speak of the Bible.
Also, I know this isn't how honest hearts starts, but, you're not Courier 6.)

You look up to the bandaged man on the platform before you. He starts to talk some bible shit before giving his condolences about your caravan that died in the avalanche. Someone thought it was a good idea to shoot at a wild bighorner. You shrug it off. He then tells you that you had no way to go home. You smile, happy to get away from everything there. "Since we have no new tents, you may stay here. With me. But you have to help us." He says. You except the offer.

You soon found yourself falling for the burned man, and hating yourself for it. He was a man of the lord. You had no chance with him. So, you slowly pulled away, finding a 'forbidden' cave, and making it homey. You met up with follows-chalk every so often, talking about thinks and helping him with bighorners.

On one night, Joshua came instead of follows. You, of course, panicked. "Joshua!" You greet, your face red. "Yn." He says, his eyes traveling your form. They lingered at your hips and lips, soon meeting your gaze. "You're alive." "I am!" You two exchanged, it soon dying down as you watch the sunset. "Why?" He asks suddenly, looking down at you. You were small for a man, only 4'5. It made Joshua want to hold you forever, never letting you go.

"Many reasons.." you replied, looking off the mountain you two were on. "I never felt welcome with the tribes.. They always looked at me like I was a sin.." You trail off. You had told one of your tribal friends about your crush on Joshua, and he told everyone else. Especially Joshua. You couldn't look him in they eye after that. Still couldn't.

"Joshua? Did you come here to condemn me?" You ask quietly, looking over to him. He sighs and shakes his head. " who you love is not my problem. Our Lord tought us to love our neighbors. I'm not one to go against him." He says, lifting his hand to ruffle your hair. "But! Joshua! I'm an abomination!" "If you're an abomination, I am too." And with that he presses his bandaged lips to yours.

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