Chapter 2

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I look up at the roof of the ship as my head pounds, the room spins and my ears ring. I can hear faint chatter but the ringing in my ears makes it impossible to make out.

I look to my side to see Sara who looks concerned? She wipes my cheek and she holds her hand out to me, her hand is stained with a small amount of red liquid which I can only assume is my blood. I look around to see the others also eyeing me weirdly.

The ringing in my ears dies down and I can hear Sara as she grabs my shoulder. 

"Hey, Abby, can you hear me?" 

"Now I can." I speak almost in a mumble.

"Man, you look like something straight out of a horror movie." Jax comments. Then realization dawns upon me as I connect the dots. I touch underneath my eyes with my index finger and hold it in front of me. 

"I hate time travel." I grumble and I feel Rays reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Now that that's done with, you four feel free to make yourselves comfortable back here on the ship," He gestures to Sara, Mick, Snart and I. "While the rest of you are coming with me to find Professor Boardman." 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're benching us?" Mick says "Whoa" possibly too many times. 

"I thought we were a team." Sara protests.

"This mission doesn't require your particular skill set, yet." Rip defends.

"Meaning you don't need anyone killed, maimed, robbed or whatever the hell she does." Snart gestures to me. 

"Precisely, especially after that little scare Ms.Evans gave us."

"Not my fault."

"Sure it's a good idea to leave these two unsupervised on a time machine?" Ray questions Rip regarding the two criminals. 

"Hey, haircut! Deafness wasn't one of the side effects." I roll my eyes at the arsonist.

"We better hurry up Professor Boardman will die in less than 24 hours." Rip says. I raise my eyebrows at the sheer morbidness of that.

"What's the point in cutting it so close?" I nod my head in agreement with Ray's question.

"Because if he's destined to die, then he doesn't have a timeline for us to disrupt, and his impact on the future will be minimal. How brilliant." Stein observes.

"And depressing." I add.

"How does he die?" Kendra asks.

"Uh, he's found dead in his university from unknown causes. Come on." Rip gestures for them to get a move on.

"Are you coming?" Stein asks Jax.

"I'll stay put." 

"You'd rather stay with them?" I mock offense at Steins words.

"They didn't drug me." he states harshly and I smile at the younger half of firestorm.

"Point taken." Stein says rushing off.
Sara grabs my arm and drags me from my seat.

"What?" I ask the assassin as she continues pulling my arm.

"We're going to find somewhere where we can wash that blood off your face unless you're planning on auditioning for a role in a horror movie anytime soon." Sara continues dragging me.

"Ha, Ha, very funny." I roll my eyes allowing Sara to drag me off. 


Once Sara and I have managed to wipe the blood off my face we come back to join the others. Just in time to hear Micks interesting question.

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