Chapter 3 Battle

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Speaking: "Hello."
Thoughts: "Hello."
Yelling: "HELLO."
Action during speech: "hel*punch*"
Morse code/writing on paper: "Hello."

Third person POV

Conqueror emerged from his his ship at the side from a hatch in his port side he had just finished putting his scarf back on. The hatch closed with not really much of the inside being seen a few others were on the deck of his ship. It was Javelin along with Unicorn and Laffey.

Unicorn: "Are you sure this is ok?"
Laffey: "Sleepy.."
Javelin: "Look if he doesn't mind I'm sure he will tell us now where do you think he is? Want to check the bridge?"
Laffey: "But he's right there."
Conqueror: "Can I help you three with something?"
Javelin: "I huh. Wanted to know why do you wear a purple scarf? It doesn't really go with your own look."
Laffey: "Curious."
Conqueror: "Oh that it was a gift from a close friend of mine. She gave it to me a long time ago."
Javelin: "Really? Do you think we'll ever meet her?"
Conqueror: "I don't know."
Unicorn: "Is she nice?"
Conqueror: "One of the nicest people I know."
Laffey: "What's her name?"
Conqueror: "Well that's a secret. Well I've got to go I have something to do."
Javelin: "Take care!"

Conqueror then got off his ship once he was away from them he was holding his chest with his right hand. His scarf getting wet slightly he wiped his eyes before continuing to the galley. He arrived in the place to see no one there yet he sighed in relief when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He turned around and found Wales there.

Wales: "Hello Conqueror."
Montana: "I'm here as well you know."
Conqueror; "Montana Wales good morning to you I was jus"
Wales: "Stop your writing I know you weren't leaving."
Montana: "Now theirs no period if this was some kind of book some people would get angry with that you know."
Conqueror: "Montana what are you talking about? You've been around Shadow to much haven't you?"
Montana: "Crap he may be right."
Wales: "Well Conqueror why don't we all eat together?"
Conqueror: "No that's fine I'm not really hungry."
Wales: "You wouldn't have come here if you weren't hungry."
Montana: "Your to sensible for that you know."
Conqueror: "Damn it fine."

The three sat down at a table only two of them have food however but after a stern look Conqueror got food as well. Wales and Montana started to eat but Conqueror just looks at his food.

Montana: "Your to predicable you came real early by yourself so you could eat without your scarf. But now theirs other people so now you don't know what to do."
Wales: "Conqueror why is it your hiding your face no one blames you for what happened."
Conqueror: "It isn't important."

Conqueror stood up he started to leave but Montana grabbed his arm to stop him he then made a gesture. Conqueror returned a different one then the two seemingly had an argument while making gestures. Wales sat there confused Shadow and and Reaper showed up and made blank faces at the two.

Shadow: "Again?"
Reaper: "Those two never give up on that."
Wales:" What are they fighting about."
Shadow: "If I remember right it's mostly Montana making fun of Conqueror that he's mute. Then Conqueror calling him an idiot because they made a system of gestures to talk."
Wales: "Why not use sign language?"
Reaper: "Because that's to easy so they say. Oh looks like they have started to really go at it."

Both of their hands were blurs as they had their argument Wales decided to leave as she got a headache from the two. Then they stopped as Montana made a gesture. Conqueror looked at him and shook his head then he did an about face and left the galley.

Montana: "Why won't he ever answer my damn question."
Reaper: "What question is that?"
Montana: "I asked him why he seems to be on a path of self destruction."
Shadow: "So he just leaves when you ask that?"
Montana: "Yeah maybe he thinks he's not being to obvious about it so no one knows. But I'm not that dumb his actions are just to strange."
Reaper: "Well given what we now know of him I get what happened to him but it just seems like he gave up."
Shadow: "I think I know what your getting at did they see if her memory's could be recovered?"
Montana: "Oh yeah like it's that easy to do."
Shadow: "Hey theirs cases were it's worked."
Montana: "And I'm sure their is just as many where it hasn't worked at all!"
Reaper: "Enough you two your fighting isn't going to help!"
Shadow: "He's right but what even should we do?"

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