Speaking: "Hello."
Thoughts: "Hello."
Yelling: "HELLO."
Action during speech: "hel*punch*"
Morse code/writing on paper: "Hello."Third person POV
While the base itself wasn't that damaged a lot of ships took damage a few were half sunken with Holy Reaper repairs were being made quickly. The only problem or well problems were Enterprise and Conqueror the first going on even though her ship is in shambles. Then the latter isn't letting anyone board his ship not even Reaper. This confused the Royal Navy at least those that were there this Conqueror was just so different then the one they knew. Prince of Wales wasn't sure on what to do Conqueror didn't look damaged and he wasn't falling over like Enterprise. But something just didn't seem right she couldn't place her thoughts on it though after all she couldn't get on his ship to see for herself. Others shared her concerns but their wasn't much they could do with Conqueror watching over his ship, but then they got word that a detached squad was under attack. Two Sakura Empire carriers were attacking them and it wasn't going well for the Azur Lane forces Enterprise, Cleveland, Javelin, Laffey, Montana, and Conqueror all set sail to save them. The carrier Hornet was the last one still fighting but she was completely on the defensive Arizona, Hammann, Long Island, Northampton, and Helena. We're all the ships that with her they are all out of the fight Cleveland, Javelin, and Laffey got the wounded while Enterprise took over the fight against Zuikaku.
Hornet: "Thank you guys."
Cleveland: "Yeah no worries. Give me a second I'll take my ship out."
Prinz Eugen: "Feuer!"The Azur Lane forces dodged the shells coming for them seeing their attacker was Prinz Eugen from Ironblood Z23 and Ayanami were also there. They would have fought Laffey had Montana not decided to show himself.
Montana: "Well well well Ironblood with mass produced Siren ships as well. I'll fight you."
Prinz Eugen: "The leader of the Paper Fleet Montana this has become interesting."
Montana: "Your a famed warrior I hear to bad that fame will come to an end once you face me."
Z23: "It isn't just her you'll have to face me and Ayanami as well!"Montana stepped forward his Rigging equipped six of his guns on each side of him he also carried a buster sword on his back. He drew the blade and prepared to fight then Enterprises bow broke Zuikaku took advantage and used that chance to attack. Half way to her target a ship got in her way Conqueror himself in his ship however.
Montana: "Conqueror what the heck are you doing?"
Conqueror: "Fighting."
Cleveland: "Why doesn't he have his Rigging out?"
Belfast: "It appears you could use some help."
Conqueror: "Belfast so her Majesty is here I assume."
Belfast: "Yes so if this battle were to continue it would not end well for them."
Prinz Eugen: "Well I guess we'll take our leave then."
Montana: "Damn it I wanted to use this thing."He put his sword away while the enemy retreated they got their wounded and returned to Azur Lane. However while they were on their way Queen Elizabeth called Conqueror over to her ship. Once he got on board he bowed to her.
Queen Elizabeth: "Conqueror I hear you have been refusing to let people on your ship. Why is that?"
Conqueror: "Their is nothing wrong with me so their is no point in them wasting time to look over my ship."
Queen Elizabeth: "Are you sure then why can't you talk that should be a simple fix."
Conqueror: "Just see it as a reminder I suppose of what I've lost."
Queen Elizabeth: "That's fine I suppose stay safe Conqueror."
Conqueror: "I shall your Majesty."Conqueror got up and returned to his own ship Queen Elizabeth drank some tea while her and her other top people discussed things. Mostly about Conqueror after all they knew him as someone who always got his ship looked after and checked on all decks. He was the complete opposite of how he once was.
Sheffield: "This may not be my place but maybe because he doesn't trust himself anymore he doesn't trust others."
Hood: "He was always careful around mass produced Siren ships."
Warspite: "I could only think of one reason we can change freely between our ship and Rigging. What if the Sirens could do the same?"
Queen Elizabeth: "It hasn't been seen before but he has always been very careful. Enough of this we are about to enter Azur Lane we have injury's to attend to."They did just that pulling back into Azur Lane not only to repair but to rearm and refuel. Then it was time for some down time Unicorn thanked Enterprise for saving her then she went and then had fun at the beach. San Diego got attacked by a shark good times after a few hours a storm came in everyone ran to get back in doors. Well most people anyways Enterprise stayed out looking at the ocean Belfast was the one to help her. The other staying out at the brow of his ship was Conqueror his mind elsewhere. He had watched the others having fun on the beach and was filled with memories of his own past the rain helped hide how he felt. Montana walked next to him he then grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the bridge.
Conqueror: "What do you want Montana?"
Montana: "Just here to make sure you don't hurt yourself."
Conqueror: "Bull crap you never cared that much."Both shared a laugh at that then Montana went serious.
Montana: "Why didn't you join them? I know you would have."
Conqueror: "Of course that's what you would ask. I was just watching over them after all we were attacked recently."
Montana: "So that's your reasoning your just avoiding the question no not avoiding it more like beating around the bush."
Conqueror: "I'm not wait I'm picking up a distress signal."
Montana: "Others are heading out for them and seeing who it is they will be fine. The more important thing right now is you their is no way you aren't damaged. You've been gone from the Paper Fleet for a year and I know you've avoided ports that whole time."
Conqueror: "I didn't fight much while I was gone you know and even then I don't take much damage. I can also repair myself somewhat you know."
Montana: "Bull crap don't you lie to me Conqueror! Guess it doesn't matter then if you won't take me seriously I'll just take my leave for now."Montana left the bridge and went back to his own room Conqueror looked down at his notebook the words written on it. Thanks for your concern Montana my friend. He took an eraser and removed it from the notebook he then sighed to himself. He watched the team that went out before come back with two new ships from the Dragon Empery. Conqueror turned around and opened up a hatch all that could be seen of the inside of his ship was darkness he went in and closed the hatch.

The Paper Fleet (Azur Lane fanfic)
FanficWisdom Cubes something Humanity had obtained they used these cubes to make ship girls to fight the Sirens who brought Humanity to the brink of extinction. But Wisdom Cubes are mysterious and nothing is understood about them so when pink Wisdom Cubes...