Speaking: "Hello."
Thoughts: "Hello."
Yelling: "HELLO."
Action during speech: "hel*punch*"
Morse code/writing on paper: "Hello."
(A/N Azur Lane is not owned by me enjoy.)Third person POV
The Sirens a mysterious force that brought Humanity to the brink of extinction then Humanity discovered Wisdom Cubes. With them they made shipgirls to fight back but then pink Wisdom Cubes appeared which only brought more confusion and mystery of Wisdom Cube. Especially when they were used instead of the normal shipgirls a male ship came form the cube. Then of other note they weren't normal ships but ships that were only planned and never set sail. But the pink Wisdom Cubes were not has plentiful as the normal blue ones. So each faction only got a few of them. While most ships treated them well their were a few that did not, this lead to some male ships leaving fleets. While others left for other reasons then most of the male ships formed a fleet together. They named it the Paper Fleet due to how they were all paper ships. This happened two years before the Azur Lane base was made the Paper Fleet for two years destroyed Sirens. Then they received an invitation to join Azur Lane the factions were coming together to fight the Sirens. They weren't expected to join the Paper Fleet loved doing the unexpected so they plotted a course to the location they were given.
They were some distance off still so why don't we introduce some of the Paper Fleet. The current leader and most advanced Battleship of the fleet is U.S.S. Montana he is bigger then the Iowa class with 12 sixteen inch guns. His hair was red white and blue he also wore what a U.S. Navy admiral would wear his eyes are blue. The next one is the leader of the submarine group U.S.S. Shadow Slayer he has six frontal torpedo tubes along with quite a bit of spare ammo for them. He has black hair and wore a wetsuit his eyes were a dark blue he also had ginger tips in his hair. Next among the top three of the Paper Fleet was U.S.S. Holy Reaper a mix of a repair ship and carrier it's due to him that the fleet keeps going without the support of the other factions. He has blue hair and black eyes his ship was also in the shape of an H he wore a hoodie and jeans.
Finally the Azur Lane base was in sight so far they knew that the Eagle Union and Royal Navy joined up. Ironblood was against them but Sakura Empire was still neutral until Sakura Empire planes started attacking the Azur Lane base.
Montana: "It appears that Sakura Empire has joined the wrong side."
Shadow: "They also brought with them mass produced Siren ships.. How in the world did they get control of those?"
Reaper: "Does it matter? Just go wild and destroy them then if you take damage I'll just repair you."
Montana: "Paper Fleet engage Sakura Empire protect Azur Lane."
Paper Fleet: "Aye aye!"Reaper started the attack by lunching his aircraft from one side was Dauntless dive bombers the other side was Wildcat fighters. Montana went full speed ahead on top of his ship and opened fire on the Siren ships his shells hitting them would destroy them in about two shots. Shadow submerged along with a few of his other subs and did what subs do lunch torpedoes at ships to sink them. Akagi and Kaga the two leading the assault noticed the Paper Fleet arriving.
Kaga: "Dear sister Akagi it's them."
Akagi: "Yes Kaga but they won't be able to stand in our way forever."Kaga then summoned a giant white nine tailed wolf that had carrier flight decks on it so it was able to lunch aircraft. Many ships already at the Azur Land base had got their riggings equipped and were beginning to fight back. Sakura Empire was being pushed back until they got some reinforcements the destroyers Javelin and Laffey were to busy dealing with the destroyer Ayanami to focus on anything else. The light carrier Unicorn was about to be sunk by the wolf which was actually about to eat her or something. But a bomb hit it making it fall back from Unicorn across the water some distance away was Enterprise Eagle Union's strongest aircraft carrier. She lunched aircraft and turned her ship into her rigging then she hopped on top of one of her Dauntless planes. After flying around avoiding the Siren ships she went after Kaga damaging the wolf along the way. She got up to Kaga and aimed an arrow at her chest before she could fire she was hit by a shell. She flew away from Kaga and regained her balance before hitting the water she aimed her bow and both sides at a moment of silence. But before either side could fire another shot three shells hit the water in between both sides.
Enterprise: "A new enemy?"
Javelin: "What's that fog?"
Kaga: "Fog?"From some distance out a mass of fog was approaching the battlefield from the fog the silhouette of a ship could be seen. Along with someone on the brow of the ship the brow of the ship came out of the fog. This caused the entirety of the fog to disperse the ship is the battleship H.M.S. Conqueror. A ship once known as Her Majesty's Shield once the most powerful battleship of the Royal Navy. The man himself on the Brow of the ship had his foot up on the lifelines he had on black pants and a black jacket, his face was also hidden by a purple scarf and a black bandanna covering everything except his eyes which were blue.
Akagi: "The Ship of Fog himself."
Conqueror: "Sakura Empire retreat while you still can."
Kaga: "Dear sister Akagi?"
Akagi: "We have what we need no point in using up more of our combat power especially against that foe. We will retreat for now but know that this isn't the end."With that the Sakura Empire forces retreated after that repairs on the base had begun most of the ships went back to the port. The only one to not head back was Conqueror he stayed out at sea. After some time had gone by three days to be exact most of the base was back to full functionality. It was at this point that Conqueror was basically forced into port after some negotiation from Prince of Wales. Conqueror entered port and was greeted by the big three of the Paper Fleet and some of the Royal Navy that were already there.
Montana: "Never expected to see you again old friend."
Prince of Wales: "It's good to see you once again Conqueror."Conqueror only nods to them.
Prince of Wales: "Is something wrong?"
Holy: "For as long as we've known him he's always been like that. Which I could fix if he would let me."
Illustrious: "It must have happened after he left the Royal Navy."Conqueror nodded once again then walked past them all waving at them.
Shadow: "Always anti-social isn't he?"
Javelin: "I dunno he seemed cool though."Montana was about to say something but he was stopped by Prince of Wales she shook her head. Montana had somewhat of an idea of what was happening so he stayed quiet. An hour later Prince of Wales met with the big three of the Paper Fleet.
Prince of Wales: "You know Javelin and Conqueror used to be close like inseparable."
Montana: "Is this something you really should be telling us?"
Prince of Wales: "Well if you didn't care you wouldn't have greeted him."
Shadow: "She's got you their Montana."
Reaper: "Lets have her continue."
Prince of Wales: "Yes it isn't a pleasant story. I'm sure you know of Conqueror's title Her Majesty's Shield."
Montana: "How could I forget that's all anyone form the Royal Navy would talk about."
Prince of Wales: "A Siren attacked the Royal Navy once by itself. It used Conqueror's protecting nature against him he got sent into Javelin dealing significant damage to her."
Shadow: "The more I hear of Sirens the more I dislike them."
Prince of Wales: "Yes but this lead to Javelin forgetting all about Conqueror this caused him to start doing worse and worse until he left. Leaving only a note then I suppose he left to join your fleet."
Reaper: "He did I'm assuming something happened when he was on his way to us because when he got to us. He was like what we see now."
Prince of Wales: "I see I was hoping you would have known."
Montana: "Ah I knew you were here for more then that."
Reaper: "An information exchange well now I feel bad because we have nothing to give you."
Prince of Wales: "That's quite alright it was a shot in the dark anyways thanks for the tea."With that she left the group leaving them with more questions then they had before. With Conqueror himself he was at the lighthouse at the top just looking out to sea. Javelin was watching him wondering why he seemed so familiar yet she just couldn't think of it. She was also with Laffey and Unicorn as they were going to watch over their friend. All of their thoughts were interrupted by a pen hitting the wall next to them scaring the crap out of them. Conqueror was glaring at the spot until he noticed who was there then he was more surprised then anything. He walked over to them and picked up his pen and brought out a notebook.
Conqueror: "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that."
Javelin: "Huh Conqueror you can't talk are you alright?"
Conqueror: "Yes I am it happened a long time ago."
Unicorn: "Sorry for bothering you."
Laffey: "ZZZZ."
Conqueror: "Well I was just leaving anyways enjoy the view. It's nice up here."Conqueror left before they could say anything else to him he went back to his ship and went to his bridge and sat in the captains chair. He then closed his eyes intending just to rest for a moment but he ended up going to sleep instead.

The Paper Fleet (Azur Lane fanfic)
FanficWisdom Cubes something Humanity had obtained they used these cubes to make ship girls to fight the Sirens who brought Humanity to the brink of extinction. But Wisdom Cubes are mysterious and nothing is understood about them so when pink Wisdom Cubes...