Speaking: "Hello."
Thoughts: "Hello."
Yelling: "HELLO."
Action during speech: "hel*punch*"
Morse code/writing on paper: "Hello."Third person POV
Two fleets raced towards one another the Crimson Axis fleet was mostly made up of Sakura Empire along with only a few IronBlood ships the Azur Lane fleet was equal parts Royal Navy and Eagle Union. Oni was at the front of the Axis fleet arms crossed eyes closed he had a few other ships on top of his ship which were three destroyers. The Azur lane fleet's front was Montana flanked by Reaper and Shadow as the fleets grew closer it started to rain Oni opened his eyes as the three destroyers were around him.
Oni: "It appears even the sky weeps at the destruction about to happen."
Yukikaze: "Huh?"
Oni: "Destruction is never fun for the side to be sent to the coral! HAHAHA!"The destroyers went away form Oni and prepared to fight as the portals opened up in front of the ships Akagi had called them to the mirror sea their was no rain in the mirror sea their was a lot of sinking Siren ships however. Oni's ship begun to glow as it transformed into his rigging the first two ships he ran into were Suffolk and Norfolk the two cruisers ran away from Oni. In fact every ship he tried to fight just ran away from him until he ran into Javelin and Montana. Javelin had Conqueror's scarf wrapped around her neck.
Montana: "We aren't going anywhere Oni."
Oni: "So you've finally learned my name it's about damn time."
Javelin: "Montana I'll fight him."
Montana: "Wait hold on."
Oni: "You want to fight me little destroyer? Very well what will win my blade or your spear let's find out!"Oni swung his blade down at Javelin she dodged it and thrusted her spear at Oni he moved to the side to dodge he then kicked her sending her some distance back. The two then clashed weapons Oni repelled Javelin before he could try and close distance Javelin fired torpedoes four in total. All hit Oni the smoke caused form the torpedoes vanished after Oni fired his guns two of the shells fired hit Javelin causing damage. Javelin fell to one knee Oni closed in and swung his sword Montana shot at Oni but his shells wouldn't make it time but Oni's sword never touched Javelin. Oni dodged the shells and swung again but his sword just couldn't hit Javelin she wasn't dodging at all his sword just kept stopping before he could hit her.
Oni: "What is this?!"
Javelin: "You never could strike to sink me Conqueror wouldn't allow it!"
Oni: "What don't you get that guy is gone!"
Montana: "Is that what's true or is that just what your telling yourself?"
Oni: "Don't back talk me! I am Oni the mightiest battleship to have ever sailed! I won't be defeated by insects like you."
Montana: "Then we'll fight I'm not as weak as you think I am."Montana drew his own sword and jumped at Oni the two clashed the force from the clash caused Javelin to get flung away then the two shot at each other. Both exited from the smoke damage apparent on them Oni wiped some blood from his mouth and the two got ready to fight once again. The two charged at each other and clashed blades during the clash Montana punched Oni in the face he recoiled from the blow. Montana then followed with a kick in the gut sending Oni some distance away Oni's eyes started to shine in a red glow.
Montana: "What you think some light show will stop me."
Javelin: "Stop it."
Oni: "I'll carve out your insides! Then turn you into a mutilated corpse!"Javelin watched the two go at it while slowly remembering something a person to be precise this person she couldn't see his face but she knew he was close to her. This person was always around her always protecting her along with all their friends. She remembered laughing with this person and fighting with them then she saw a bright light coming for her then all a body hit her. Javelin snapped out of her mind when Montana's sword broke it was a loud sound almost deafening the top quarter of Montana's sword was in the water and Montana was kneeling breathing heavily. Oni was also breathing heavily but still standing then he started to laugh.

The Paper Fleet (Azur Lane fanfic)
FanfictionWisdom Cubes something Humanity had obtained they used these cubes to make ship girls to fight the Sirens who brought Humanity to the brink of extinction. But Wisdom Cubes are mysterious and nothing is understood about them so when pink Wisdom Cubes...