VI. Teen Angst

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"Hey Frankie, it's Mikey. Don't worry about driving us to school today," Mikey said over the phone, his voice monotone and sad. Frank just nodded, quickly spitting out a reply once he realized the brunette boy wouldn't be able to see it.

"Well, okay then, see you at lunch, then, Mikey," Frank sighed, never feeling more awkward in his life. He could tell Gerard was trying to avoid him, but sticking poor Mikey in the middle was an even deeper blow. "Will you ask Gee if we can talk before Ballsack's class?"

"Sure, Frankie," Mikey agreed, softly laughing as he added, "You two are awful for calling that lovely woman the thing that holds your testicles."

"Shut up, Mikey, I'll see you later," Frank chuckled, smiling for a moment as he hung up the phone, his mood quickly shifting as he went to put on his gloves.

In his anger last night, he'd thrown them against the wall, only one now able to be found. He truly only needed the one, but the last thing he wanted to do was draw more attention to that hand.

He was already running late, so he gave up the search, figuring one glove was better than nothing as he rushed out the door to head to school.

He actually sped for once on the way to school, hastily parking in his assigned spot before hurrying inside. He looked everywhere for Gerard, wanting a chance to talk to him before the day started.

"Hey, Gee, can we talk for a second?" Frank asked when he rounded the corner near Ms. Bullshnack's room, finally spotting the redhead after searching all morning. The two-minute bell rang just a few seconds later, the short boy jogging to catch up to him.

"It's almost time for class," Gerard replied, his voice dull and lacking emotion. He looked as if he hadn't slept at all, bags under his eyes and his hair uncombed.

He stepped around Frank to head inside the classroom, jerking his arm away from Frank when the short boy reached out to hold it.

"Gee, please," he whispered, his eyes stinging as he looked into Gerard's stiff expression, pain hiding in the redhead's eyes but he refused to let it show.

"It's time for class, Frank," Gerard muttered, tearing his eyes away from his best friend's and briskly walking away. The short boy was left staring after him, his heart squeezing painfully in his chest as he looked at his best friend, someone he didn't even recognize.

"Fuck you, Gerard Way," he spat, spinning on his heel and walking away. He caught Ms. Bullshnack in the hallway, mumbling an apology for skipping her class before bolting through the outside doors and not looking back.


"Frankie, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Gerard screamed, slamming his hands down on the hood of Frank's car. "Where are you going?"

"Away from you, asshole! What're you even doing out here?" Frank shouted through the closed window, angrily slamming the gearshift back into neutral.

"Don't do this, Frankie, please, it's not safe for you to drive like this," Gerard pleaded, moving to stand by the driver's door. "Roll down the window."

"As if you care, Gerard— as if you fucking care," Frank snarled, though he rolled down the window as asked of him. "The fuck do you want?"

"I want to talk," Gerard said quietly, all the rage from a few moments ago completely gone from his body.

Frank stared at him in disbelief, his own anger quickly fizzling out as he took in his best friend's nervous demeanor. The strong emotion was replaced instead by despair, his heart heavy as he dejectedly asked, "About what, Gee?"

"A-about our kiss," the redhead whispered, staring down at the ground as if he was hoping to be suddenly swallowed up by it.

"O-okay," Frank replied, a tentative smile on his lips as he patted the passenger seat for Gerard to join him in the car. The redhead quickly came around the car, his hands shaking slightly as he gently pulled the door closed behind him.

"I-I don't know why I kissed you, Frankie. I know it's not the first time, but those were just friendly ones, like how I kiss Mikey and Ray, but this..." he trailed off, sighing before looking up into Frank's face. "It was different, Frankie."

"I didn't even think about doing it, I was just staring at you, and you just looked so perfect, I don't even know what I'm fuckin' saying, but you were just so damn you, Frankie, and I wanted you and I just had to—"

"Gee, I don't care about all that, just why're you being such an asshole today? You kissed me!" Frank cried, his heart pounding in his chest. He was still an emotional mess, his eyes stinging as he looked down at his lap. He couldn't bring himself to meet Gerard's eyes, heartache, fear, and shame clouding his thoughts.

"I know, Frankie, I'm sorry, it just happened, and I fuckin' panicked, ya know?" Gerard mumbled, chewing his lip harshly. His stomach was rolling with anxiety, feeling as if he could just as easily throw up or burst into tears. "I was scared I would do something stupid like that again when I saw you, so I just figured it'd be better to keep my distance."

"I wasn't gonna make a big deal about it..." Frank whispered, knowing the kiss came from a place of strong emotion, not because the redhead had a crush on him or anything. "It didn't mean anything, and you're my best friend."

"You're my best friend, too, Frankie," Gerard sighed, a tentative smile quirking the corner of his mouth. He was more than relieved to know Frank wasn't upset with him about the kiss, and he didn't seem too hurt anymore about his behavior that morning. "...You forgive me?"

"Of course I do, asshole," Frank chuckled, softly punching his best friend's arm. "C'mon, let's go back inside before Ballsack marks us absent or calls our moms."

"Oh shit, you're right," Gerard laughed, a genuine smile on his lips again as they headed back towards the school. He was glad things were back to normal, but he really needed to get his crush under control, before he made another stupid mistake and hurt Frank all over again.

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