Chapter 2

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(The dress above is needed for later on in the chapter...ill let you know)

Ace pov

It's been a week since I started at Gotham Academy. Me and Dick have become friends. He makes coming bearable. Its starting to become the best parts of my life which is kinda sad. As I walk into school I head to where we've started to wait for each other every morning. I stop once there and yawn, wishing i had coffee. I see him before he sees me, he's walking slowly, like he doesn't have a care in the world. I hate to admit that I'm staring. He catches my eye and smiles, running over. I feel the heat rise in my face and hope he hasn't noticed.

"Morning Lucy!"

"Morning Dick."

"Did you do the English homework by chance?"

"Only the worksheet I was too tired to finish the reading"

He grins that same grin when he says something flirty and it's all I can do to keep my face composed. He leans over and puts his head on my shoulder staring up at me. "Feel like helping me out? I hold the world record for speed copying."

"You're asking me to cheat because you were too lazy to finish it?"

He puts his hand on his heart and looks offended "me? Lazy? It's as if you don't know me at all. If you did you'd know that lazy is an understatement for me."

I laugh slightly at his statement. "Just this once. Lets go to the library."

"Score!" He jumps up and leads the way to the library. We sit at a table in the back, earning a few raised eyebrows and snickers from bystanders. I get my homework out quickly to hide my blush and pass it over to Dick. He starts to copy but a large white hand crushes it. I glance up in anger. James Delaware, the dumbest and largest jock in the academy. I recognize him from the first day of school. "So now you're letting him copy your homework? I knew you were his slut but I never took you for his slave too."
Dick stands up before I can grab him, kicking the chair out from behind him. I can see his fists shaking as he faces James. His voice is deathly quiet. I've never seen him this angry.

"Don't you ever talk about her that way again or I'll make you wish you'd never been born."

The room is frozen, every eye is on us. I stand up, shaking too and lay a hand on his arm.

"Dick..please it's ok..he didn't mean it, he's just being an idiot. Come on." I glance around nervously, no one moves. He shakes me off.

"Yeah he did mean it. And I'm not going to let him get away with it. Not this time."

"Dick really calm down. He's just jealous that you  have an actual friend when the only people that talk to him are his family and teachers. He can't get a girl to even look at him let alone give him the slightest little poke of a touch." 

"You'll pay for that one slut" James lunges toward me and Dick moves to catch him but it doesn't prevent his fist from grazing my cheek. I can feel it bruising and throbbing a moment later and I stumble back. Dick looks from me to James and loses it.

"You're dead now asshole!" He bowls James over but the fight doesn't last long. A teacher comes and pulls them apart. James's eye is closed shut and Dick has a split lip. Both of them are red and shaking.

"What the hell is going on? The bell is about to ring! Get to class before I write you both up!"

James glares at Dick and stalks off. I start to say his name but he ignores me, grabbing my crumpled homework and shoving it in my bag. He's still shaking. Before I can protest he grabs both our bags and throws open the library door with a loud bang which turns several heads. He starts toward the hall and I have to run to catch up to him.

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