Chapter 8

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Namjoon's POV
She sat down next to me and smiled while looking me directly in the eyes.

I stared at her thinking of how impossible I thought it was for such a kind beautiful girl to fall for a boy like me but some how it was possible, some how it was happening right now.

I also thought how easy it could be to loose her which left an unsettling felling in my stomach.

He got up and leaned over to put on the movie which was a old horror movie called the shining, I hadn't really watched a horror movie in a while because I am still a bit of a scaredy-cat when it come to that stuff.

"Do you like horror movies?" He asked looking at the TV as he sat back on the couch.

"Kind of." I answered feeling excited about the movie mainly because it was still day time.

"You not scared, are you?" He asked nudging my shoulder with a large grin on his face.

"NO." I lied crossed my arms and looked away from him trying to avoid eye contact because I know that I'm a terrible liar.

"Ok, sure." He replied sarcastically with a little chuckle at the end of his sentence.
Later in the movie and now it was night

Namjoon's POV
I could tell that she was scared because she cuddled up next to me, digging her face into my shoulder.

It was nice and I comforted her for the rest of the movie but soon it was dinner time and I was feeling hungry.

"Are you hungry, Y/N?" I asked watching for her response as I desperately waited for her to follow me into the kitchen so the we could sit down and eat.

"Starving." She said while jumping up and following me to the dinner table in my large kitchen.

We sat down at the table across from each other staring blankly.

"Oh sorry I'll get the food and do you need to go to the toilet or any thing before dinner." I asked letting her known that it might take a few minutes to set the table.

"Oh, yeah I'll be back in a minute." She told me as she got up to go to the bath room.

"Bathroom is on the right." I called out noticing her confusion before she finally found her way.

When I knew she was gone I rushed to set the table with my nicest table cloth and cutlery, a red candle, the food in which to eat and a cascade of red rose petals leading from the table to the bathroom.

And finally to top it off a small present sat neatly next to her plate, luckily I was able to do this and sit down all before I herd the bathroom door open and as it did I realised that my heart was going a million miles an hour.

I walked out of the bathroom to the lights off and it took a couple seconds for my eyes to adjust but when I did it was the most beautiful and romantic sight I had ever witnessed.

The rose petals had filled my heart with love and I felt sure that we would be together for infinity then when I saw a picture perfect Namjoon just sitting there staring into my direction.

It made me feel like I was the only Girl in the world, like I was perfect and like we where perfect.

"I love you." Was all I managed to say because other than that I was left speechless, butterflies filling my stomach.

My head was spinning, my legs week as I smiled and walked to the table to sit down.
"Wow...did you do all of this for me?" I finally said after what felt like ages of awquard silence.

"Y-yes, do you like it?" He asked nervously taking a deep breath and looking at the present.

"Oh what's this?" I said only just noticing the present nicely sat next to my delicious meal.

Author Note:
Hello thanks for reading and please vote and comment on whether you like the story or not also feed back is always appreciated.

Word count: 712

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