Chapter 1

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"Come on Skcill, we have to agitate the gravel!" A 16 year old boy yelled from the front door.

"No, I don't want to go back. Not yet." A boy yelled from upstairs.

"If we don't go now, they'll die. Stop being a candy ass!" The boy yelled as the 12 year old brother came down from the second story.

That boy was me.

Why? Why does he care about them so much? They hurt me and they never will stop, I just don't understand. Maxwell said he was gonna get him and I out of this place so we'll never have to deal with them again. Of course he lied, he got it from them.

"Get in. We have to haul ass." Maxwell told me as I jumped in the 1952 Buick Roadmaster.

"Who called to tell you this?" I asked, my head down. Max started the car and pulled away from the house I have only been to a couple times in my life.

"A janitor said they have been in the lab for a while without leaving and he doesn't have clearance for that level. We live closer than anyone else and we'll get there. Well save em'."
Maxwell said as he ripped out on the abandoned backroads we used to get to and from the laboratory.

"Why? They haven't done anything for us." I asked, the wind pushing my hair around.

"What do you mean? They've done a lot for us. Even more so for you, they're our parents' kid." Maxwell replied as he tore into the entrance of the long parking lot.

"No. They are not, and they will never be "my parents." Don't make me quote it." I angrily looked away, the sudden urge to hit something forcing its way into my mind.

"Listen up, they are and will forever be your parents. Whether you like it or not. After the next couple experiments, you'll thank them. You won't be able to feel anything and you'll be strong as shit, you'll work with the strongest minds and you won't die.
Skcill, you are a weapon, and a strong one at that. All the queens will be swaying at your feet, then maybe one day you'll be able to settle down and have some kids-"

I cut him off.

"I want to be able to feel! I want to feel it when people hug me, pat my back, maybe even kiss me when I'm old enough. I can't feel anything, they've ruined me. Your parents only want to sell me to the government, which they don't even know that they are illegally experimenting on a child! They will go to jail for this. On top of all that, they made me infertile. I can't have kids even if I wanted to!" I was mad.

I was more than mad, I was infuriated. Hot tears streamed from my eyes, only slightly burning my cheeks as the trailed down my face.

"You said you'd take me away from this and I trusted you. You gave me my name. I could go on, yet you still choose they're side. Why did you li-"

Max cut me off like I did to him, his voice was layered with anger and sadness.

"Shut up AZ-2! Shut it or I'll pound you. I gave you your name and I'll take it back if you disrespect mom, dad, or me like that again." Max yelled as he parked the car and pulled out the keys.


My mind went blank, from then till I was pulled out of the car, it was a blur. My brother had never called me by my experiment name since I was a little kid.

It was always Skcill.

Max pulled me out of the car by my wrist and walked inside.

By the time I even realized what really happened, we were inside and walking to the furthest lab in the back. Maxwell pulled out a all clearance key. He continued to pull on my arm as we went by the room I usually stay in.

That cold, dark, small room.

I wish I couldn't remember half the nights I stayed there. I wish trauma was as forgiving to me as it is to others. However, that was not the case with me. I wasn't fortunate enough, that's not how I was made.

I stopped walking, in hopes that my brother would let me go. Of course, in resort to me stopping, he turned around and picked me up.

"Stubborn." Was the only thing I heard.


The memories of needles and syringes filtered it's way through my thoughts and pushed its way to the front. I felt myself start to squirm.
I couldn't feel anything anymore but I could still remember it all.

I remember everything. Everything that has ever been said to me.

I'm so angry. My heart has no room for remorse or sadness. I will always be angry.

I went into shock. Going limp in my brother's arms only made it harder for him to carry me.

He hurt me. They hurt me.

Setting me down on a lab table, Max told me to stay put and he'd be back for me.

He never cared.

The screams of my "parents" in the gas chamber barely reached my ears. While being in shock it started to become too much to listen. I started to scream.

Max put his key into the door of the gas chamber and entered. Similarly from what I'm guessing what happened with my parents, the door slammed shut due to a probable malfunction.

Suddenly, I pulled out of shock and I completely focused on my brother pulling on the chamber door. I stopped screaming and my senses were completely focused on Max.
After a couple seconds of pulling on the door without prevailing, he then focused his gaze on me.


Looking into my eyes, he saw everything that he didn't want to see or realize.

"Brother. Please. Don't do this to me." Max's voice was muffled by the glass that separated him and I. Then he started to bang on the window.

"PLEASE." Max begged, tears starting to run down his face but I stayed.

My heart ached.

"You lied. Not just that, but you broke our rules. Max, you said I was more than an experiment!" I yelled, jumping off the table I was sitting on.

"You're right. I broke the rules, I'm sorry Skcill."
Max cried from behind the glass. I shook my head.

Turning around, I started to look for random things that could help me in the long run out in the real world.

Max yelled my name but I tuned him out.

I grabbed a utility belt hoping it would help me carry the objects I would grab. I continued around the room grabbing compressed gas containers, a knife, a small first aid kit, gloves, a big blue coat, and a machete.

"Kid please." I heard Max from inside the chamber. I turned towards the chamber but had nothing to look at but the back wall. I assumed that he had fallen to the floor now.

I took one step back and then was greeted by another thing my brother said to me.

"I love you ankle biter, I know it doesn't seem like it but I tried to always have your best interest in mind. I'm sorry I never thought about what you had to go through."

I felt a sinking in my heart but I couldn't turn back now.

I walked to the emergency exit that was located in the back of the lab. I pushed on the back door and pushed as hard as I could. I was strong but the door was really never meant to be used. Before I stepped out into the world, free of all of my problems, I turned back and saw a M8 gas mask. Without a second thought, I grabbed it.

Running out of the back door I found myself almost immediately in the forest that the laboratory was surrounded by. So I disappeared into the night.

"Name? My name is Skcill, with a c after the k." I said sitting down.

Tell me if there's any errors!
Thank you for reading, there will be more to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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