2 | the miserable muse

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two | the miserable muse

By the time my eyes fluttered open the sky outside had begun to darken and we were now driving through what looked like the countryside. I checked my phone to see that it was almost 7 in the evening and gently knocked on the privacy window separating me from the front of the car.

The window rolled down and Mohammad Salah turned his head back, "What is it Miss?"

"How much longer is it going to take us?" I asked, getting car-sick from the drive.

"Just ten more minutes, we're almost there." He turned back to the front.

I took a deep breath to calm my escalating heartbeat and focused on looking presentable.

I put the privacy window back up and removed the now wet blanket from my body so I was left only in my damp turtle-neck and shorts, I grabbed my travel bag where I had kept a spare change of clothes, just in case, and quickly threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a tan cashmere sweater. Running a brush through my unruly waves to try and tame them. I grabbed some moisturizer from my purse and slathered it all over my arms and face to try and get some life back in me that had drained out over the past few days. I finished it off with a natural lip balm deciding I had no one to impress there anyway.

The car finally slowed down in front of a huge iron gate and went through some security checks before we were on our way again. We had entered the university's premises.

I glanced out the window to see we were driving past huge fields, for different sports I assumed. There was one for soccer, another for cricket, an outdoor skating rink, tennis courts as well. I even spotted horse stables.

We finally came to a halt in front of a structure that looked like it had come straight out of Harry Potter.

The castle was beautiful and looked like it went on for miles. My breath hitched at the sheer size and beauty of it. There were lots of different buildings joined together to make one huge structure.

I was so busy admiring the place that I hadn't noticed when my car door had been yanked open and Mohammad Salah stood infront of me, "We're here miss," he said and went to the trunk to grab my luggage.

I grabbed my things and stumbled out of the car in awe, taking in my surroundings. There was a huge fountain infront of what looked like the main building with students loitering around and doing whatever it is that rich kids did.

"That's the main building over there, head through that door and you will enter the office. You can find someone at the reception who will give you your schedule and guide you. I will get your luggage to your dorm in the meanwhile." Mohammad Salah instructed me and I nodded.

"Thank you, for your help and kindness. I'm really grateful." I blurted out, taking both of us by surprise.

"It's no problem Miss. That's my job. I hope to see you soon." He bowed to me before taking two of my suitcases and heading off in an unknown direction, followed by the driver who took the remaining two bags and trailed after him.

That left me alone, standing there awkwardly and I turned towards the main building, making my way to the main office.

I grabbed the metal handle with a clammy palm and pulled the door open.

The inside of the building was a stark contrast from the outside. While the outside gave the university the image of a Victorian castle, which it probably was since the institution opened in 1257, the interior was completely modern, looking like it had been refurnished not too long ago. The floors were laminated with the most expensive marble and the ceilings were high and cream in color, illuminated by bright and fancy lights. There was a reception desk few feet away from the entrance and a bunch of mahogany doors lined the corridor that followed after.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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