In It Together

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Logan knew this was going to happen at some point,but he wished it happened later rather than sooner. The light sides had found out about him and Remus being together and had reacted very negatively to the news.
Logan was sitting on his bed pondering over how to handle the situation when Remus popped up and hugged him from behind.  "How are you doing, Lo lo berry?" asked Remus running his hands through the logical side's hair. Logan turned to face Remus and gave him a quick kiss before replying,
" I am doing far more than satisfactory now that you are in my presents." Logan and Remus cuddled with each other for a few minutes before some side knocked on the door.  Logan got up to answer the door disappointed he and Remus did not have more time alone together. "Who is it?" asked Logan in a monotone voice really wishing whoever it was would leave so he could resume his cuddling session with Remus.
"It is NOT Deceit and I DON'T need to talk to you." said the deceitful side quietly through the door.  Logan opened the door and Deceit came in and sat down in the chair at Logan's desk. The Logical side closed the door as the Deceit came in and sat back on his bed with Remus. "The light sides are NOT planning having you to seperated, because they think Remus might corrupted you and or hurt you." Deceit told the ocean gays.
"That is outrageous we should kill them and then take their eyes and use them as ping pong balls!" Remus said, "And then we could bathe in the blood together."
"I do not believe such an act would be the best way to handle the situation, but I do enjoy hearing you talk so passionately, my love." Logan told the love of his life.
Deceit looked between the sides before saying "Could you two be any more vomit inducing adorable?" then asked "So what is the plan?"
"Well I just came up with the best plan right here right now me and my Logie bear should fuse so they can never take us apart." Remus said pulling his boyfriend on to his lap. Logan was surprised he had not thought of that before it was genius in its simplicity.
"I believe fusing is a good  idea good job coming up with that, Remus." Logan complemented his boyfriend. "Do you wish to do that now?" the logical side asked. Without answering Remus grabbed both of Logan's hands and pulled him out of his spot on the bed, and started to spin in circles with him. After a couple of seconds a navy blue and green light started to come both of the sides. The light got so bright Deceit had to close his eyes. When he opened his eyes he saw not the two sides that were there before, but one new side. This side was wearing a lab coat covered in a red splatter, ripped blue jeans, blue and black gloves and green safety glasses. The side had heterochromia one warm brown eye and a glowing green eye.
" uh, hi." Deceit said to the side who was now staring at him with a hungry look in his mismatched eyes. The said side walked over to Deceit and reached his hand out to touch Deceit's scales. Deceit was careful not to move scared that if he did the new side would freak out.
"You have wonderful scales." The Side said.
"Thanks" Deceit said quietly and started blushing startled by the compliment. Not many people liked his scales, but if anyone would it would be Remus and Logan. "What is your name?" Deceit asked curious of what he fusion might say, "my name is not Deceit."
"We don't know, but you can call us Mad. Do you know why we're here, Dee Dee?" The fusion questioned the deceitful side.
"You are not here because my two friends who are deeply in love fear being split up by the people they call friends." Dee told mad wondering how they were going to react.
"Well we don't care about those people we only care about you. You are much more interesting than them. Say are you cold blooded like a snek? Do you smell with your nose or your tongue? Do you have scales anywhere else?" Mad kept rambling for what felt like forever to Deceit before saying, "We are now in need of stustance where can we find food?"
"I don't believe Logan keeps some Cofters in the kitchen fridge, would you like to go to the kitchen?" the deceitful side asked. The fusion without saying anything takes Deceit's hat places it on their head and then walked out the door. Deceit quickly followed after that fusion has all the chaotic energy. When the slimey boi arrived in the kitchen Mad had already made a mess of everything. There was flour all over the table, multiple cups of various coloured liquids on the counter and an open bag of TidePods. "I thought you were going to get some jam not whatever this is!" Deceit shouted.
"Ow that's right we forgot so we started doing different experiments." The fusion replied while walking over to the fridge and grabbing a jar of Cofters. Using just their hand Mad scooped a handful of Crofters in their mouth. The fusion's face light up in delight this was the most wonderful thing they had ever tasted. To be fair it was the only thing they ever tasted. "This is absolutely indescribable we love you, Dee, for recommending it." The fusion gushed at the deceitful side. Deceit's human side blushed for the second time that day. He felt odd about the fact that when the fusion of his friends complimented him he blushed.
After Deceit snapped his fingers to clean the kitchen and Mad had run off to Logan's room to more experiments, Patton had came to talk to Deceit about the conversation he had with Roman and Virgil. Before the deceitful side could say a word Patton began trying to explain what happened. "I know you overheard us Deceit, but the only reason we were discussing it was because we were worried. I was worried about Logans safety, Roman was worried about his brother getting his heart broken and Virgil was the both of them. We know they won't listen to us if we try to talk to talk to them, but could you try and tell Logan and Remus that we are sorry please. I don't want then to think we disapprove of them. The moral side told Deceit starting to tear up.
"I won't try Patton" the snake like side told the side on the verge of tears.
"Thank you. Thank you." Patton said giving Deceit a hug.

Mad was busy scribbling down every thought that came into their mind, when Deceit walked in. "Patton didn't just ask me tell you well really Logan and Remus that he and the other sides are about what they said and how they reacted." the deceitful side informed the always curious fusion. As Deceit said this got a strong sense of deja vu. "So what i'm saying is you don't have to fear getting split up, so you can unfuse if you want too. Deceit told Mad.
"We guess that's accurate. We think it would be a good idea to talk to them in person. The fusion said before defusing much in the same way they appeared. Remus had landed on top of Logan. When getting he pulled Logan  into a kiss.
"I not leaving" Dee said disappearing out the door, not wanting to disturb the couple. The said couple stayed in Logan's room happily kissing and cuddling for multiple minutes after defusing before going to talk to Patton, Roman, and Virgil.
Logan and Remus discussed the best approach to talking with the othersides. The couple agreed to talk two on one with the other sides. To start off the couple went to talk to Patton. They knocked on Patton's light blue paw print covered door and waited for an answer. "You can come in." answered Patton on the other side of his door. "Ow, hi did Deceit talk to you?" the moral side asked nervously. Patton really hoped they weren't mad at him. He didn't like being hated by the people he loved. And Patton did love Remus he was just weary of his ideas sometimes.
"Yes, and we wanted to say we forgive you." Logan said calmly to Patton while Remus leaned into Logan's shoulder. There was silence for a minute before Remus spoke up and said,
"I have no harsh feelings, pops, just don't discuss me and Lo lo berries relationship ever again or else." Remus threatened. 
Patton looked really care so Logan told the moral side, "He is kidding he doesn't mean that." knowing that Remus probably did mean it. Logan kind of thought it was hot how protective his clingy octopus was. "I believe Remus and I gotta go talk to Roman now, but we will observe you at the time in which we eat. So long." the logical side told the moral side. The couple then walked out of the room holding hands and headed to Remus' brother's room.  When they arrived at Roman's door Remus didn't bother knocking instead he just ran in screaming, "Brother I wish to speak to you!" hearing his brother shouting Roman looked up from the script he was working on.
"What is it, Remus?" Roman questioned. A second later Logan walk in to stand beside Remus and then Roman guessed the reason Remus was here.
"I want to talk to you about your bad attitude." Remus said sticking his tongue out at Roman.
"Hey,  I only said that stuff because Logan not so good with the feelings and I didn't want you to get hurt. Also, Logan, I give you my blessing, but if you do anything to make Remus unhappy I will hunt you down and your ass." Roman warned his trash like twin's boyfriend.
"I will respect your wishes, Roman, but I want you to know I love that I love Rem so much I would give up crofters just to make him happy." the logical side told the fanciful side.
"Aw, your so sweet Logie bear, but just seeing your face makes my life worth living. And thank you, brother for looking out for me." Remus confest kissing his brainy boyfriend on his cheek.
After everyone had their farewells the couple went to Remus's room to hang out till dinner.  Remus's room used to be covered in trash and old food, but since he started dating Logan Remus tried to keep it clean, because the logical side hated the mess. The room was now much cleaner, most of the room's walls were covered in weapons and different posters of hentai. Beside that there weren't tons of things in his bedroom only his bed, nightstand and two lime green bean bag chairs. Logan along with Remus sat down on the creative sides's bed.
"You are really something else, Lo lo, I love you soooo much." Remus told his lover between kisses. 
"Just as you are, my lovely octopus." the logical side said After awhile of making out and talking about how it felt being a fusion the couple fell asleep together. Remus layed next to Logan with his head tuckin to Logan's shoulder drooling in his sleep. Both of Logan's arms had wrapped around Remus's waist. The two napped peacefully just happy to be together.

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