My last five seconds
On August 11 2019 I sat in my bathtub fully clothed, two bottles of pills in one hand and a blade in the other.
Thinking of the last moments that had just occurred
Staring in a daze at the dirty water,tears streaming down my face,. In the next five seconds I would pour the bottles of pills into my hand and guzzle them down with the dirty bath water.
I stared at the blade in my hand
Contemplating making it permanent no matter what.
I sat there as the water got sucked up by the drain. I got out I took my cloths of and put on my dads t-shirt
The last one I would ever wear
I sat in front of the dirty paint smeared mirror on my bedroom floor, staining into my eyes as I started to shake
The next thoughts consumed my head as I though that my mother would come to wake me up the next day for me to say goodbye to her for work and I wouldn't wake up.
I wouldn't be there for anything, I would be a limp body I'm my frail mothers arms, and I couldn't do it
In the next five seconds I had to make a choice , if I wanted everything to end the way I imagined, or if I would stay with my mom, who loves me more than I could EVER know. I remembered that that day I cooked with my mom, I said I love you to my dad and laughed with my brothers, the night before I spent with my amazing best friend, I was going to give all that up in five seconds. The next five seconds changed my life forever
Sad girl hours