Meeting Izuku

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Eijirou's POV

I managed to calm my breathing enough to speak as the eyes stilled, staring straight at me. The silver knife dripping with blood and gleaming in the dim streetlight from the pole I was sitting against.

"Who- who are you?" I gasped, still trying to regain my breath as I readjusted my torn shirt and re-buckled my pants.

The figure stepped into the light to reveal a boy around my age with curly green hair. I flinched when he walked forward, and he stilled and put the knife on the ground. Before crouching and crawling slowly over to me. A black surgical mask hid half his facial features from sight, but that didn't bother me.

I was too transfixed on his eyes. The glowing red faded to reveal a beautiful emerald green that shone in concern.

He reached a gloved hand towards my shirt collar and I squeezed my eyes shut, breathing quickening once again. I felt fabric stroke my cheek in the form of a hand and opened my eyes to see him inspecting the slight bruising I'm sure was on my neck.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again, trying not to whimper as he gently took one of my arms in his hands, tracing his fingers over lines I knew well. I hissed when he touched a fresh one and he let go.

"Can I lift your shirt up?" I opened my eyes, his voice sounded like pure silk, soft and smooth. I nodded slowly and he pushed the torn piece of clothing out of way. I looked away. I wasn't proud of what he could see. My torso is covered in scars, cuts, and bruises and I hate it.

"How deep is this?" He asked and brushed his fingers along the largest one there, the one my dad gave me a couple of weeks ago. I took a deep breath. "I-It punctured my s-stomach." His eyes widened and I rushed to explain. "B-But it's fine now! I got it treated so it's not new!"

He took a deep breath and stood up. "Can you stand?" I shrugged. "One way to find out." Using the lamppost, I stood upright to see that the stranger was a bit taller than I was.

"You never answered my question." I said, he sighed. "Izuku. My names Izuku." He put a hand forward for a hand shake. I took it. "Eijirou Kirishima." He nodded. "Would you like to come with me, Eijirou?" I nodded slowly. I have nowhere else to go. I have no friends, and I can't go back home.

He took my hand and led me forwards, into the darkness, where I stepped on something squishy. I looked down and could just barely make out one of my attackers on the floor. I halted, my hand slipping out of Izuku's. Anger made my vision flicker red, and I snarled.

This was the guy who put his hand around my neck.

I brought my foot up and smashed it down on his face. I heard a satisfying crack and knew I'd broken something, probably his nose. I stomped on him again. Flashes of his breath in my ear, him holding me still while his buddies tore my shirt and tried to take my pants off. I just kept going, until his face was a mangled mess, and when I stepped on it, my foot slid in the blood and I stumbled into Izuku.

He caught me and I just held on, fighting tears as I thought about what would've happened if he hadn't come. I felt a hand stroke my black hair as he brought me into a hug and froze. "Shhhh. It's okay. You can cry. It's healthy to cry about these things." He whispered, I balled his shirt in my fists as the first sob broke out of my throat.

Izuku held me tightly while I sobbed until my throat hurt and my eyes stung, he just kept patting my hair and occasionally hugging me closer to him. When I finally calmed down, I about passed out, leaning on him more than ever.

He didn't wavered under my weight at all.

"You tired?" He whispered, I nodded, my eyelids getting more droopy by the second. "Then go to sleep. I'll keep you safe." He said as I was scooped up into a bridal position in his arms. I leaned against his chest, I could feel hard muscles through his shirt, my eyes closing.

"I believe you..." and I was out.

[Time skip to before Izuku killed people]

Izuku's POV

I was on my way to go cause mischief at the local mall when a muffled scream caught my attention. "NO!" I don't know what, but something drew me to the distressed voice, to find it's source and help them.

I jumped a gap and looked over the edge to see four men crowded around a boy with black hair. He looked to be my age, and he was.... crying. "Will you shut up already? The sooner you give up, the sooner we can get to the good part." One said as he moved his hand down from the boy's mouth to his throat and his eyes opened to reveal a ruby colour that was narrowed in fear.

I was mesmerised by disgust as he struggled to breathe. These adults are going against a kid? It was sickening. One went in to kiss him while someone else tore his shirt open, exposing his chest that was covered bruises. He tried to scream again, but it came out choked and quiet.

The last man went for his belt buckle and his beautiful red eyes widened before closing in defeat, tears streaming down his face.

That's when I completely lost it.

I jumped down and rushed the man at the red eyed boy's waistline, my eyes glowed red and I brandished a knife, I tugged him back into the darkness and gutted him in seconds, he choked and sputtered before carking it.

The next to go was the man who tried to kiss him. While they looked around them, I leaped in from above, rolling the both of us out of the light where I drove the knife through his skull.

I wanted to go for the man that was holding the poor boy captive, but he still had a hold on his throat and I couldn't risk him squeezing too hard and killing the boy I was trying to save.

So I nabbed the man that'd torn his shirt, and made him scream until the last man let go. Then I quickly ended his noise by slitting his throat.

When the last man let go, I snatched him away into the darkness while the boy collapsed to the floor against the post, coughing and trying to get his breath back.

I grinned as I whispered in his ear. "Just what were you planning to do with him?" I asked, he trembled against the knife to his throat. I pressed harder, drawing blood. "Well?" He gulped. "I j-just want to h-have a little f-fun with him." I held still. "A little fun eh?" He nodded vigorously. I leaned into his ear as I took the blade from his neck.

He sighed in relief. I didn't let him have it. "Wrong answer." I whispered and he froze in fear. I drew my arm back and rammed my knife into the back of his head.

I held it there, slicing it back and forth through his brain until his heart stopped and reclaimed my weapon.

[Time skip back to before the time skip]

I sighed as Eijirou passed out against my chest, I activated my quirk, lifting us up on the iron souls of my shoes and launched myself up onto the roofs before taking off at a sprint towards home.

We might just have a new member.


Hey all! Thanks for coming and checking out my new story! LGayAmara I figured since you seemed so excited, that I'd tag you. Hope you enjoyed it

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