You're safe here, with me

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Izuku's POV

I kicked the door open since my arms were occupied, startling everyone in the room. "What the fuck Deku!?" Shigaraki shrieked, I rolled my eyes. "Calm ya tits. My hands are full." I kicked the door shut after walking inside, revealing the sleeping Eijirou to the room.

"Why do you have an unconscious boy Izuku?" Kurogiri asked. I looked down at his calm face and sighed. "Because he reminded me of me." And with that I carried him to my room.

I climbed the stairs and carefully opened my bedroom door before walking inside and nudging it shut. I laid him down on my bed, took his shoes off and covered him with a blanket before brushing his raven hair out of his face.

I sighed and sat down in a chair in the corner of room to wait until he wakes up.


Eijirou's POV

As I slowly regained consciousness, I noticed the air covering me felt warm, but the air on my face and shoulders felt cold. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and curled up in a ball before opening my eyes bit by bit.

I was in a dark room lit up by a single yellow lamp on the bedside table. I looked around more, and spotted Izuku sitting on a chair in the corner with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

I blinked and slowly sat up, using my arm to prop me up sideways, watching the green haired figure on the other side of the room.

The blanket fell from my shoulder and I shivered and pulled it back up to wrap around myself.

"Sleep well?" I jumped at the sudden voice and looked at Izuku to find him staring straight at me. He was still wearing the mask, maybe it has something to do with his quirk?

"Mhm." He stood up and started walking towards me, I instinctively shuffled backwards. He froze, just like when we first met, but instead he held up his hands to show he was unarmed, and walked slowly until he was sitting on the end of the bed.

I shuffled away slightly again, wrapping the blanket tightly around myself. Izuku stayed still as he spoke. "Would you feel more comfortable if I took off the mask?" He asked, and I nodded slowly.

He sighed. "Alright, but what I'm hiding isn't pretty." He reached behind his ears and unhooked the straps before bringing it slowly forward. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. He looked awkward as he fiddled with his mask.

A scar covered a large patch of his face. It went from the top of his nose, down and fanned out over his right cheek, it went over the corner of his mouth and mangled some of his upper lip.

I reached out to touch it, he let me. The bumps and dips of the tissue reminded me of a very bad burn.

I ran my thumb over it, the rest of my hand cupping the side of his face. "What happened to you?" I whispered. He smiled a little. "I pissed off someone I shouldn't have." I tilted my head a little, silently asking for more information.

"It was some guy with these weird piercings and purple scars up his arms and on his face. His quirk is blue fire. You can guess what happened." I shuddered. "You mind if I...?" He asked and gestured to the mask he was holding, I nodded quickly. "By all means! Go ahead!"

He sighed gratefully and slipped the mask back on. I thought it was a bit sad that he felt uncomfortable in his own skin, but then again who am I to talk?

"So what were you doing out that late at night Eijirou?" I stiffened and looked away, one of my hands moving to my stomach under the blanket. "I ran away after being realised from hospital for that gash..." he nodded slowly. "Go on." I swallowed. "M-My Dad stabbed me. That's how I got the gash. I was making dinner and he came in and started shouting about my grades and such and how I'm not good enough."

I swallowed again thickly. "I got sick of it and yelled back a-and he grabbed the knife I was using and s-stabbed me." I started crying. "He-He b-beat me whenever he felt like it, or i-if I did something he d-didn't like." I couldn't look at Izuku. I felt a smooth hand on my cheek and flinched slightly before recognising the hand as Izuku's and leaning into it.

"Did your mother hurt you as well?" I nodded weakly. "You don't ever have to go back there again Eijirou. You can stay here if you want. I'll make sure no one can ever hurt you again." I glanced at him and saw a flash of red in his eyes before he brought me slowly into a hug. I hesitated at first, but slowly allowed myself to lean in and be enveloped by his warmth and reassuring words.

"I know what that's like. To be hurt by people who are supposed to love you." He whispered, I nodded a little. Almost all the kids at school said how their parents are so nice to them and how they take them to do all these things. And everyone else complained about what theirs do.


I was sitting high in a tree, waiting for the lunch bell to ring, when these kids walked under the tree. "Man, my mother is annoying. It's always, 'do your homework!', 'out your plate up on the sink!', 'have you cleaned your room yet?', nag nag nag. Can't I get a break?" One boy whinged, leaning against the tree trunk. The others nodded. "Yeah, my mother does that too. I'll be playing video games and she'll come into my room, asking me to help clean up the kitchen. Can't she see I'm busy?" He groaned.

I shuddered when I thought of what my parents would do to me if I didn't do as I was told.

"Hey guys!" Another boy ran up to the group. "Did you hear about the new hero!? He's super cool! I wanna be a hero!" He grinned widely, the other boys cheered in agreement.

[Flashback end]

My grip tightened as tear started coming back to my eyes. "Why?" I whispered. I felt Izuku's muscles tense and his chin move out of my hair, he must be looking at me. "Everyone else's parents were so nice. They took such good care of their kids. Why was nothing I did good enough for them?" I sobbed, his grip on me tightened.

"What did I do wrong? Why did they hate me so much?" I kept crying, but Izuku's cold voice tore through my misery.

"You did nothing wrong. They are the people who are wrong. It's not your fault your parents are such horrible people." I could hear hatred in his voice, but somehow I knew it wasn't directed at me for once. "You're safe here, with me." I smiled a little and snuggled more into him more, listening to his calming heartbeat.

"Thank you, Izuku." I whispered, looking up into surprised green eyes. His eyes smiled at me, I'm sure his mouth is smiling too. "You're welcome, Eijirou."


Chap 2 is out! Hope you enjoyed ☺️

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