Payton part 2

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You decided you wanted to go hang out with Payton today since he stopped hanging out with Riley so much you thought you had him to yourself. You called him and he picked up. "Hey babe" he said. "Hey baby I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies today?" You said. "Sorry baby I'm busy right now but I promise we can go tomorrow." You were sad, but you understood that he was busy. "Okay" you said. "Bye bye baby" he says. "Bye baby." You decided that you were going to go hang out with Charli and avani instead and go to the mall. you had gotten dressed and you were  ready to go call the girls in avani gave you and Charli a ride to the mall. You guys had been shopping for a while and you got tired." I have to go to the bathroom" you say. "I'll be right back" " okay" Charli says. Avani gives you a nod. As you were walking to the bathroom your heart stopped as you saw Payton and Riley at the mall he said he was too busy to hang out with you and you see him with a girl he told you he was going to stopp hanging out with for awhile.  you got really upset and actions took over your words you went up to him and started screaming "Payton how could you!? you said you were going to be busy I thought I meant that you were going to stay home and do work but y you're out with another girl  I fucking hate you." You  Start to run away. "Y/n wait" you kept running and Payton finally caught up to you and grabbed your wrist." let go of me" you said while screaming and hitting him. "Y/n stop, stop it." He said. Then he  grabbed both of your wrist "stop it" "no you're a liar you told me you were going to hang out with her for a while and you can't even last one day." You said." I was with her because... because" "BECAUSE what spit it out.'' "because I wanted to ask her for a good spot to have a honeymoon and I was shopping so that we can get clothes so we can go to Hawaii" he said. "I'm so sorry." You said and hugged him. He chuckles. 'It's okay you didn't know." he kissed you, he kissed you really hard.

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