Just Great

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Short chapter ahead!

Warning! ( not really a warning)

Swearing ahead! And ALOT of them



Taehyung's POV

The hall was silent for awhile. The students were just staring at the us with judging stares.

There they go again...

After a minute that felt like eternity, I turned around and stared at the students that stared at us. I rolled my eyes and glared at them " What are yall looking at? Mind your own bussiness..geez" I said to them and thankfully the bell rang.

My first class was English and I have it with...


Ugh! Can this day could get any worse?!

Yoongi jogged up to the stairs, not bothering to say goodbye. "See yall at lunch!" Hoseok waved and basically jogged over to his first class, jimin said goodbye and left, that left us with this stinky ass motherfucker following me to class..

I sat down on my sit and started highlighting some words for later. It would have been a good class if my teacher is not an ass. I'll tell you a fun fact about Mr. Song our fUn eNgLIsH teacher. Note the sarcasm, In the first day of school he arranged our seats, yeah its nothing to be salty about, but having your enemy sitting behind you is something to be salty about.

Mr. Song entered the class and start lecturing. We were about half an hour in our 2 hours english class, something or more like someone was bored and decided to annoy me. He throwed small paper balls behind me while kicking my chair.

First mistake

I groaned but didnt bother to stop him cuz Mr. Song already hates my guts..I dont want him to hate me more. The throwing stopped but the kicking didnt. After a minute he stopped..I sighed,

Not in relief..

It was frustation

He started poking my back .

Second mistake

I was not gonna let him annoy me for the rest of the hour....

When he was about to poke my back, I grabbed his pen and snapped it to half..I throwed the peices at him and it hit his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK KIM?!!" he shouted and stood up.

Seriously? Hes throwing a tantrum over that?

"Mr. Jeon sit down please." Mr. Song commanded but was ignored. Jungkook pushed the chair and table in front of me  after the kid that sat there yeeted out. "You're throwing a tantrum cuz of that? Tsk,so fucking immature" I stared at him boredly while sitting, my left leg was above my right, while I crossed my arms.


"Yeah? Like what, throwing tantrums over a single fucking cheap ass pen? Oh wait! You are doing it right now" I replied back and rolled my eyes. He was about to punch me but Mr. Song stopped his fist while glaring at us  both. "Both of you. Detention after school, I cant stand it with you two" He mumbled the last part. I was not even surprise anymore.

○time skip○

The bell rang and all the students scadaddled out of the room. I was just packing my stuff and jungkook was almost out the door Mr. Song called both of us " Jeon. Kim. Lets talk" he said. I rolled my eyes again and lazily walked towards him. "As you both know, both of you have enough detention and principle meetings right? And its only the middle of your freshmen year. I dont understand why yall are always fighting and arguing about everything one of you do, As you know My subject is not your major but I told your major or art teacher that it will be fun if you both are doing a one month project together that involves your major, can higher your grades, and can lessen your detention lists. Your project will be like a surprise/sorry gift for the principle-"


Both of hs shouted in unison. Disbelief and the burn of hatred was laced in our faces

"I said what I said. And you cant change it. No matter what you will do, you cant. Now get out" He said

What?! Is he giving me more reasons to hate him?! And A whole Bitch ass month?! Ugh! Just great

Jungkook POV

A one month project?! With HIM?! Really?! Why cant I just take a break..God you seriously like me to suffer dont ya? Just great.

Short chapter but I'll do it more longer in the next one!

Yall better be buttering yall popcorns and pull in your seatbealts..

This ride had just started! 👁👄👁


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