Chapter 5

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Zoey's POV

I huffed in annoyance as I check my mother's journal making sure nothing was ruined

"Zoey? Can we come in?" Jordan asked knocking on the door gently

"Yes, you may come in"

Jordan poked her head through the door along with the rest of the girls

"Well, redhead you know what to do" Kam said nudging her

Jordan gave her an annoyed look before sighing

"I'm sorry for how my and Jay acted out there, we weren't trying to be mean we were just joking around"

"I forgive you, but next time when I say give me it back please do so." I said glancing down at the worn down running my thumb over the worn leather

"What is that Zoey? You keep messing with it, you also protect it like Lloyd with his comic books and candy" Lilly asked/joked

"*sighs* It's my mother's journal, I'm protective of it because it's the only thing I have to really get to know her"

"Wow no wonder you almost bit Jordan and Jay's heads off, You're protecting the one thing that connects you to your parents huh?" Courtney stated

I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded

"Zoey I'm so sorry if I had known I would've never touched it"

"Jordan it is fine, but please just be careful next time"

"Yeah for sure..."

"Uh Jordan can I speak with you in private for a moment?"

"Of course yeah!" She said as the others left

"I know you are the master of time correct?"

"Last time I checked yes"

"Is there a way for you to show the past?"

"What to do you mean Zoe?"

"Is there a way for you to show a certain past for someone?"

"I don't know, why are you asking Zoey?"

"Jordan if I tell you, you cannot tell the others okay?"

"Okay I won't I promise"

"I wanted to know because I wanted to see my parents, what they were like, the way they talk and the way they acted you know?"

"Zoey.... I don't think that would be possible I only have the power to see the future, pause time, reverse it and forward it.....I'm sorry Zoey" Jordan said grabbing my hands gently

"I-it's fine Jordan, it's out of your control thank you though" I said pulling away before wiping tears out of my eyes

Jordan turned me around and hugged me tightly

"Everything alright my darling?" Zane asked making me pull away from Jordan, wiping more tears from my eyes

"Yes Zane I am fine" I said as Jordan slipped out of the room to leave me and Zane alone

Zane grabbed my hands gently, looking me in the eyes before kissing me gently

"I love you Zoey"

I looked up at him surprised

He wasn't really one to say that a lot

Yet again neither am I

"I love you too Zane..."

We stayed on our position for a few minutes, him resting his forehead on mine while our hands were intertwined

"Zoey my darling, please tell me why you were crying  just a few minutes ago"

I opened and closed my mouth a few times before finally answering

" parents Zane...I was crying about my parents...."

"Did something happen to them darling?"

"No Zane....I was upset because I would never be able to meet them, I had asked Jordan if she could show me the past so I could see them....but she was unable to..."

"You are an me"

"Yes...I am....I've been one my entire life, my grandfather has told me some things about them but never tells me what happened to them"

"I don't have to meet your parents because I can already see them in you, wonderful intelligence, kindness, a big heart for the ones around you. Just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to, doesn't mean your future can't be better than you imagined"

"Zane... I do not know what to say....."

Knock knock knock

"Hey dork squad, we got a mission we gotta go" Kamri said through the door

Zane cupped my face gently and kissed me once again

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