Chapter 8

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Zoey's POV

After we got back to Ninjago, and after the boys, Kamri, and Jordan defeated the time twins I decided to pay my grandfather a visit

I took a deep breath looking at the photo and the baby rattle in my hand, before knocking on the door

"Ah! My little rosebud! How nice to see you! It feels like ages since I last saw you, come in come in" My grandfather said ushering me inside

"*giggles* It's nice to see you too Grandfather, I have something I want to show you" I said grabbing the picture and the rattle, holding it out for my grandfather to see

He slowly took the items out of my hand, observing them

"I know what happened now, I know what happened to mother and father" I said gently placing my hands on-top of his

"I haven't seen this photo in years...Thank you for bringing it to me, Zoey"

"Of course, you can have it to if you'd like"

"No no, I want you to keep them, I have plenty of memories with your parents that I can remember, you need these more than me" Grandfather said placing the items back in my hand

"Huh? Grandfather are you-"

"I'm sure sweetheart, besides now you see how much you look like them, plus if you ever miss them just look at the photo. And as for the baby rattle? Keep it, you're mother loved her roses so I made her some baby toys, that being one of them"

"Grandfather. I-I don't know what to say...." I trailed off looking at the objects in my hand

Grandfather chuckled and rubbed my cheek with his thumb

"Well, It's getting awfully late you should go back to your friends they must be getting worried about you" Grandfather said looking at the clock

*At the monastery*

"Oh there you are Zoey, we were wondering where you went" Nya said as I walked in the gate

"I had to visit my grandfather, I wanted to show him something"

"Was it the photo and the rattle?" Lilly asked gnawing on a piece of candy, undoubtedly Lloyd's, making me nod in response

"Can I see the photo Zoe? If you don't mind that is" Nya asked

"Of course" I answered handing her the photo

"Wow, you look like your parents a lot, but I mostly see your mom in you, not because of the blonde hair" Nya joked making me laugh slightly

"That's what my grandfather has always told me"

"How are you doing? You know after seeing..." Jordan trailed off, hinting towards when me and her saw my parents dying, and my grandfather taking me with him to be safe

"I am... I am still processing it, but I know that destiny had something better planned for them, besides there's nothing I could have done about it, I was a baby" I said looking at ground

"...Hey, If your parents were here right now, I bet they would be so proud if you, think of it Zoe you're helping keep Ninjago safe with that big brain of yours, plus you're dating a nice guy not one who's just using you. They're probably so proud of you right now" Courtney said nudging my shoulder with hers

"You really think so?"

"Hell yeah we think so! You're so freaking awesome Zoe! Do you know how many missions you've saved if it wasn't for all those book you read? A lot Zoey, you've saved us from doing stupid stuff in missions" Nya said

"Thanks girls, I really needed that, and plus I have my grandfather who can tell me more about them that I don't know, besides my mother's love of roses of course" I said giggling at the end while messing with my necklace

"Ladies we have arrived!" Kai announced walking through the gate with the rest of the boys

"Hey hothead" Kamri greeted kissing her boyfriend

"I see you are back from visiting your grandfather my darling, I hope things went well there." Zane said as we walked to our room

"Of course, I showed him the photo and the rattle, he insisted I keep them though"

"You never showed me the photo, may I see?" He asked

I nodded and handed him the photo

"You look very similar to them, especially your mother"

"Everybody tells me that" I replied putting some hair behind my ear

"Zoey, I am sorry that we weren't able to get your mother's journal back"

"It's fine. besides I have my grandfather to tell me so many more things about them that I do not know"

"You are correct, No doubt that if they were here they would be proud of the woman you are becoming" Zane said cupping my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb

Leaning down Zane placed a gentle kiss on my lips, wrapping his arms around my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck

"I love you so much Zoey, I do not know what I would do without you..." Zane said placing his forehead on mine

"I love you too Zane, I do not know what I would do either..."

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