Chapter 2

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"Day Three. The Camp Of Chaos."

Something happened to me. I went into a crater as soon as I arrived to the campsite early in the morning with Ruby and Alexis. I blacked out after being tugged in.

It's changed me.

Something's wrong with me.

If I thought my anger was harder to control before then it's getting harder now. I don't know what to do. I don't how to fix this. But Alexis has got some strange superpower to. If that's what I'm to call it.

God, help me.

"To be angry is revenge the faults of others on ourselves."

A black space, a missing part


"Hey, she's waking up."
"Shush. Let her wake in peace."

Me eyes open and they're already focused. Huh, usually it'd take a while for them to adjust. Especially in a room like this which is quite bright. My first thought is that I'm in a hospital but when I sit up, I'm in the Nurse's office.

She beams at me and I see Alexis, who probably woke up before me. What happened..?

"Thank goodness, we thought when we found you in the river. You would've already drowned."

"Wait...River?" I ask. I'm tempted to ask about the crater. And whatever the power and beat that were in the void of it. The Nurse nods her head. "You, Alexis L/n, and Ruby Rocker were all found in different places on the camp. We explored the forest and couldn't find you whatsoever. There's a patch in the middle of the forest where trees seem a little crushed so we managed to clean that up before anyone else came. To look tidy you know?"

My eyes shift anxiously to Alexis while the lady multitasks. She flashes me an awkward smile as if to say 'ask later.' God, this can't be good.

"You were found in the river so we dried you down. Alexis was found with the bags, she probably fell asleep. And Ruby was found against the office door. She probably fell asleep too."

So why was I in the river, and they weren't? What happened to the craters? What were those colors? Red, black, white? What was it? Where did it take me before I blacked out? What has it done to me?

So many questions run through my head that it's starting to hurt. No doubt it's done something to me and I want to know what. It's given me something I don't want, that's how all the movies work. But whatever it is, clearly the Nurse hasn't found it in my system. Or Alexis and Ruby's.

"You're both free to go. Everyone has already arrived, you were only out for a couple of hours. Alexis and Ruby have already found their rooms but you're not too late to quickly find yours, get the camp guide book and team journal you've been set with. Unpack your bags all before greetings."


"Oh, don't be silly! Go!" The Nurse insists. She basically kicks me and Alexis out, which I sigh seeing that Alexis has had my three bags this entire time.

No Regrets For You ~ Wyatt Oleff X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now