Chapter 6

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Day 11 Still
Friendship Gets Stronger

I forgot to mention. The figure I saw at the bushes. He seemed alluring. Almost as if I could really really trust him. But I didn't see his face or anything. Wyatt and the others told me that thanks to my fear of heights, I had become dizzy at the top of the cliff of the waterfall and Wyatt didn't know that so he couldn't have stopped me from falling.

It sounds strange to know that Wyatt was gonna try to save me from falling. He doesn't like me the way I like him. If he would save me if it was to happen again, what would happen between us? Nothing? Probably.

We decided that I was to not go up to the top of the waterfall. Wyatt stayed by me in the water, while Jaeden, Sophia, and Jack went to the top of the waterfall every so often. We had a bit of fun in the water. Before we had a small bite to eat on the picnic and rested for another hour.

They tried to train me and my powers. But no such luck. Nothing special. No laser beams. No mind-reading. No super flight. No super strength. Nothing.

Jack thinks it's radioactive and those super abilities will develop into me over time.
Jaeden thinks it's just what we know so far. That they tamper with my emotions.
Sophia thinks that they tamper with my emotions and if the emotions are really strong, that I will be able to do extra supernatural things since I already snapped a chair or made Brad's nose bleed.

So we didn't succeed, even though we had fun with the attempted training.

Wyatt doesn't know his opinion. It looked like he wanted to keep his opinion to himself. My curiosity frustrated me a bit but I shrugged it off. I was just glad that he was being generous and caring at the moment. The difference from feeling the trust of that figure compared to the trust I feel with Wyatt is that the trust with Wyatt feels real, pure, and friendly. The figure...

Who is he?

"I hope we'll sing our favorite song together one day."

A promoting peace


"Wow. These all look so amazing." Sophia's mouth is practically watering. I sit in the middle of Wyatt and Jack while Jaeden and Sophia sit on the other side. Pancakes in the middle. Wyatt has a chocolate sundae. Jack has an ice cream delight as it's called, Sophia has the Ultimate Woogie Woogie drink which seems to have ice cream, chocolate, minty leaf, funky straw, and caramel and strawberry. I have my favorite type of smoothie put into a nice big thick shake cup, with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup. A massive pile of pancakes lyes in front of us.

We had walked back to the camp. For some reason, Jaeden and Wyatt were giving Julius such a dirty look. If looks could kill he'd be dead already. I decided to stay out of it and not get frustrated with baby boys' little problems. Whatever it is. Wyatt took his car, and we drove out to a nearby 80's styled cafe with the nice red spinny chairs, booths with leather seats, black and white tiled floor, and amazing funky drinks.

"You know what we should do? Take a photo!" Sophia says, with a wide grin.

"Ew, no. I look horrible in photos." I scoff. "I'm a ghoul."

No Regrets For You ~ Wyatt Oleff X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now