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Michael never answered me about the wave thing and it bothers me very much. We spent the whole week at the beach house in Tampa before we went back home to Sydney and took that time to figure out why he asked me about the waves.

Him asking me questions never really bothered me but this was different. Why? Because he seemed much more upset and I could feel myself being selfish.

Michael and I had been dating for one year exact, that's why we went to Florida. My mom had always been very supportive of our relationship and she agreed to take us out of town for our anniversary. Little did I know that my mother and Michael planned on going out of the continent!

We went during spring break and now that its over we had to come back for our senior year of school.

It was Sunday afternoon and Michael and I were meeting up at the local ice cream shop along with our friends.

I decided since it was a nice day, to walk there. When I arrived I saw that Michael's and I's good friends Luke and Taryn were there.

"Hey!" Luke smiled as he saw me walked in. He stood up and approached me to give me a warm embrace and hugged me.

"How was the vacation?" He asked me wiggling his eyebrows hinting that Michael and I did something. I rolled my eyes and explain the great things we did, excluding the fact that Michael became depressed at the end.

After explaining, Olivia, Ashton, Emma, and Calum walked in. We all exchanged hugs and hellos. Something was different. I looked down at everyone's hands to see Taryn holding into Luke's. this didn't bother me because they've been dating for a month and Olivia hates her because she's Luke's sister.

I then noticed Emma and Calum's fingers interlocked and Ashton's and Olivia's. I gasped loudly as I saw the new couples.

"What is this? Why are my four best friends holding hands without me knowing?" Calum and Ashton tried to hide their smiles as I ranted on.

"While you were gone... We sort of went on a double date and we started dating on the same day!" Olivia mumbled causing me to scream. We started talking about what happened on the date when the bell on the door rang.

All of our eyes snapped towards the door to reveal Michael wearing a white long shirt and black jeans. He looked so tired I couldn't help but make a sad face.

"Hey!" He tiredly but enthusiastically mumbled towards us as pulled me out of my seat, sat down and put me on his lap. He pushed his head onto my back and let out a heavy sigh.

Everyone started bombarding Michael with questions, asking if he was ok which he replied with something that sounded like yea. We soon started talking about school and how we couldn't wait to graduate high school. Except Taryn was still a junior and had two more years.

After getting bored with school I brought up a subject we never really talked about. "So how's the band doing guys?" I asked the band members of 5 seconds of summer.

It was as if I was asking for world war 3 all of the boys eyes flew on me as if they didn't ever want to hear those words.

"The band is fine." Calum snarled at me.

"Rian, you know the guys and I don't like talking about the band right now." Michael whispered in my ear.

"Sorry guys, I just thought talking about it would lighten the mood." Luke rolled his eyes at me and I took that time to rush to the bathroom. I couldn't help but cry from the sudden hate I was getting. If I piss Michaels friends off he gets pissed at me too and I don't want to hear what he's going to do when we go back to my place.

Olivia came and got me about 3 minutes later and we all broke up into pairs, leaving Michael and I alone. He rolled his eyes at me let out a heavy sigh as we walked out of the ice cream shop that we never ordered anything from.

We got into Michael's car because I walked and once we were inside he glared at me.

"Rian! I thought I told you not to mention the band anymore until I told you our plans!" He yelled, obviously still pissed off from my mention earlier.

"Michael, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to start a nice conversation." I tried to stay calm as I talked.

"Well you can't make a nice conversation out of this because you know we hate talking about the band!"

"Well sorry that I didn't know the status of the damn band because you've been too damn depressed to talk about it!" My eyes widened in shock as I realized what I said.

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