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Rian's POV

Let's get things (excuse my inappropriate language, thing is a bad word) straight. I for one hate Michael Clifford very much. I wish he would just die. That's why I tried to shoot him back in 2012. Well, I didn't. My assistant Mia Figolanchi did. Turns out she has bad aim ( you would think she would have good aim because it's her name backwards) and hit Luke. I felt really bad because Luke is one of my best friends.


Before we explain why I hate Michael Clifford let me tell you this: You thought this was some sappy Michael Clifford fan fiction about him being depressed and me changing him. That's a complete lie. This is a Michael Clifford Horror Story. You will see Michael Clifford at his worst I shall not fall in love with him, in fact I fall for someone else.

OK, Continue

It all started in freshman year and Luke, Calum, and I were 14. Michael was a sophomore. I had just moved from California to Australia the year before so I didn't call grades year 9 or year 10. Luke always laughed at me for that saying " You can't live in Australia and say words like freshman. No one knows what those words mean!"

I still haven't changed the way I speak, "Forever American!" I would yell through the hallways, earning weird looks, but continued to anyways.

Anyways, so the three of us were walking to math class when we bumped into Michael and his girlfriend Mia. His hand was wrapped around her shoulder and her hand was holding it.

I didn't really know Michael that well but Calum said he was cool. Luke just said he didn't like him, anytime he was mentioned.

" Hey Luke I saw your covers on YouTube, it was really cool." Michael praised Luke coolly.

Luke just nodded his head and walked away as the bell rang. Mia and Calum left as well, and me being slow, dragged my feet. I don't care if I'm late. Michael trailed behind. I was kind of self conscious since I don't really know him. It got even weirder when he started talking to me.

" Hey, that's a cool T shirt you on." He awkwardly complemented me.

I looked down and saw I was wearing a black All Time Low shirt with yellow font.

" Oh thanks," I mumbled, " You like All Time Low?"

" Of course I do, their like me All Time favorite band."

Michael and I talked more about our music tastes before I had to go to math class. He turned around and sprinted all the way across the building to get to his English class. I thought that was nice of him to walk all the way down here.

About two weeks later Michael and I were besties and he invited me to his house. After school he picked me up in his gold van. He looked like a mom picking her kids up from school.

( A / N my bestie Tanya wrote this part)

I opened the door and held my breath to keep from laughing. But soon my cheeks felt like they were going to explode and my mouth burst open with laughter.

"What's so funny?" He questioned, giving me a weird glance.

" You - Your car." I giggled with another round of laughs.

" What? My baby girl Lisa? my sweet, sweet baby car," he exclaimed, " This ride is smokin."

" Sure!" I sarcastically screeched, " its gold."

Once we got to his house we went into his basement, to see his sister on the computer.

"Tanya can you please leave I have a friend over." he polietly asked his sister.

All she did was look up at me and look back at he computer screen.

"Tanya seriously get the fuck up!" I was surprised at his sudden anger.

" No! Mom said you can't have girls over yet you've had that slut Mia over so many times." I was surprised at her language considering this girl was like 10.

Michael just rolled his eyes, "Come on, we can just go to my room."

This is just a filler chapter ! Please comment below what you thought and maybe some ideas on what should happen next!

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