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This is the just the background of the book

Michael's POV

About a three years ago (2011) the guys, Luke, Ashton, Calum, and I started a band called 5 Seconds of Summer. We were best friends and hung out all the time. One say Luke got a girlfriend named Taryn and I thought she was really hot and I wanted to make out with her but I couldn't because she was dating Luke.

Soon, Ashton got a girlfriend named Olivia and she wasn't that appealing to me but she was to Luke. He loved the way her red hair looked like fire.

Basically after we all discussed that Ashton, Calum and I liked Luke's girlfriend , and Luke and Calum liked Ashton's girlfriend we made a contract saying that if we wanted to we could make out or have sex with them, but we couldn't love them or anything. Of course we had to get the girls input and they loved it.

As of April 2nd 2011, Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, Calum Hood, and Ashton Irwin here by agree that any member of the band, if found desirable, can have sexual relations with another members girlfriend. One shouldn't fall in love with the girl and just remain friends. If one is found to fall in love with the girl the band is off and all friendships and relationships must end.

Taryn Imp and Olivia Haas here by agree to let any member of the band have sexual relations with them if found desirable. If a band member forces themselves on to you, you can object.

That was basically the whole contract and every made several copies of it. I even have it framed in my room, somewhere that my mother won't see it obviously.

Anyways, the course of three years has been great. No one has broken a rule from the contract yet. Every April 2nd we get together and party and basically have sex with each other right in front of each other.

I didn't add my girlfriend because she is a complete square. Sure I love her but we haven't had sex ever. We soon added Emma, Calum's girlfriend, when they started dating in 2012 but all we did was write her name on the paper, make new copies, of course after she signed it.

July 15th 2012 TMH TOUR

" I wish I was, I wish I was." Calum ended our last song of the set, which we didn't know would be the end of our shows ever.

"We just want to thank you guys for supporting us, its been a great-" I was cut off by the power going out and a gun going off.

The arena filled with screams, girls fleeing with fear. Luckily the bullet didn't hit me, but luck was taken away when Luke's screams erupted, booming louder than everyone else's. He has been shot.

I struggled to take my phone out of my skinny black jean pocket, one because the pants were skin tight and because my nerves were so high my hands had began to shake. I didn't want to die nor did I want Luke to.

I finally got my phone out and turned the flash on and pointed it towards Luke. His body was crumpled up holding his shoulder while he tried not to cry. The guys and I lifted him up and brought his backstage while security called 911 and took the fans to a safe place.

Paramedics arrived and took Luke away on a stretcher. All of the guys, including one direction (they didn't really care for us) were balling our eyes out.

The next few weeks were very mournful, considering it was the week Luke died.

We wanted to have his funeral on July 16th, his birthday but we needed a week to get all his relatives and have his body ready.

Luke's body was never ready though, because Luke only died for 9 minutes before he suddenly woke up again.

After Luke successfully recovered we decided not to play shows for awhile until police caught the shooters. We soon began getting letters in the mail and that's when it all begun...

Rian's POV

You would think that after 2 years the police would be smart enough to catch me but they haven't.

5 Seconds Of Summer thinks I don't know about their sexual relations and I don't know what happened too the band. But I am the cause of it.

That's the moral of this story. Don't underestimate the one who "doesn't know" the plan.


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