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The fall of a dagger.

Gale's eyes, open wide in shock and terror.

It falls on my own paw, and I drag it up as far as I can go.

My head burns with pain, my flesh is on fire, and I can't stop.



Gale is the last thing I see, so I smile, looking up at him.

He yells something, but it falls on deaf ears as I drift into the void.





He's half Canira, half Felis.

Oh no. Not for long... soon he'll have his revenge.

He didn't spend years concealing it for nothing.

Alone, in the darkness, his eyes glint a terrible red. Just another trick of the light he had taught himself. They'd never guess his identity until he was pure... and maybe even ruling Dreamland.

He raised a toast, his cup filling with eggnog, the liquid of the gods. Merry Season of Giving to everyone out there he was about to kill.

All hail the Queen.



Filling his soul.

He was pure, immortal, and for a second, he and the princess were one mind, linked by Verhamera's power.

She wasn't angry.

Here to fulfill a wish, I assume.

Yes, I suppose I am. He winked at her, and then dread filled their connection.

What did you do?

It was like someone else was talking.

It felt like it.

What did you do?!

WhAT dId yOU dO?!

He was a pure Canira now, but something was receding. Smaller paws. Shorter breaths. Fear.

She too, was changing, her fur glowing white as pure power left her mouth and turned into slicing marks right behind his eyes.

That was when the castle exploded.


He met her in the forest.

He fought with her beneath the trees.

He lived for her under the stars.

He remembered the night when they were where once, two star crossed lovers had stood before, and he was thinking to himself- It'll never happen to us.

He leaned in for it, going too far.

Her smile. Too kind. Too sweet.

"What are you doing?"

"I just thought..."

"Gale, you're an idiot." She laughed, her perfect laugh as usual.

It should aggravate him. Perfect, perfect, perfect.

He couldn't bring himself to hate her, and he knew he never would.


It was late, and he was being held against a wall.

Blood running down his back.

He could kill her with a thought.

Yet he was paralyzed.

Okay, maybe not with a thought. Even someone as badass as him couldn't be that overpowered.

He would've liked to be that overpowered, but hey, he wasn't, so might as well work with what you're given.

"Why do you hang out with her?"

His ears perked. Of course.

"She's my best friend."

"She doesn't care about you."

"Prove it."


With a slice down his back, barely restrained, she turns him around to look at two Canii under the mistletoe, not sharing love but blood.

His eyes opened wide.

What was she doing?!

She wouldn't...

Wouldn't what?!

What did he know about this new Rena?!

One thing- she had betrayed him.


He hated guard. Rena was always with Thistle, Nina wouldn't stay up, so he was usually guarding with a Sukoma unit or someone he didn't like or care about.

That was to say, anyone.

One night, he was with Indy, which was worse than being with someone he didn't care about because now he couldn't avoid social contact either.

"Want some armadillo meat?"

This guy was quality grade asshole.

"I hate you." Stating the obvious.

"That's negative. Why do you hate me?" Stating the obvious.

"Rena likes you more than me."

"That's stupid."

He snarled a bit. Who was the exotic meat weirdo to call him stupid?!

"Liking people is like love, but less intense. Love is like armadillo meat- you can give some to everyone."

"I hate armadillo meat."

"But you like Rena, right?"


The voices.

The voices wouldn't go away.

No, no, no.

They'd leave him alone when they left.

Rena would come after him.

They could be together.

Safe and sound.

He could tell her... tell her everything.

She'd understand...

She'd know he had to do it.

He was sorry, but it was okay.

It was all going to be okay.

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