Pt.2, Chapter 6: It's time for the truth...

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*Cali's pov* *2 weeks later*

It'd been the day I was planning on telling my family about the baby, and I'm terrified.

I'm almost 6 months now, so this might be a little more tricky then I thought.

I know, it's a little rude to be telling them now.

But I couldn't tell them when I found out.

They were already so disappointed in me with Grayson, and knowing that they'd react the same again, I was scared.


I was over at Zach and Natalia's place for a while before I had to leave.

I thought it'd help, but not so much.

"You'll be fine. They can't be mad with you now, you're perfectly capable of being a mom." Natalia said.

"I don't know, I think they'll be more mad at the fact that I didn't tell them 4 months ago." I shrugged.

"Maybe it'd be easier if you just had Daniel?"

"Not at all. I mean, ya, I'd be more comfortable, but my sisters would freak out."


"How'd your whole pregnancy reaction go?"

"I thought I told you this story?"

"If you did, I literally have no memory of it."

"Well, I found out 3 weeks after my 16th birthday. My immediate thought was to get rid if him before my parents could know, but I was too young to sign the papers. Plus, I was broke as hell."

"Oh really?"

"Ya. Then I told my mom, she kicked me out before my dad could even find out. My dad found out the next day, called me over the phone and said I was a disgrace to our family. My siblings are the only ones that still talk to me and visit Max."

"I'm really sorry about that Nat."

"It's alright. My mom wasn't the best person, so I'm kinda glad she doesn't see Max."

"That sucks."

"I remember being so lonely. Like, my boyfriend said it was all my fault, so he broke up with me. Now he wants to be apart of Max's life, and I think it's so rude."


"So, although it all sucked, it was worth it. Cause, now I have a cute kid, and a cute boyfriend."

"I'll agree with you on the cute kid.."

"I respect your answer." Natalia chuckled.

"Oh shoot, I've gotta go." I rolled my eyes.

"Do you want me to watch Grayson for you?"

"No, my sisters really wanted to see him, but thank you, really."

"Well, I hope it all goes well. Be safe alright?"


Me and Natalia hugged, and I went out to my car.

*30 minutes later*

I arrived at my brother's house and I immediately started to panic.

My sisters cars had been outside as well, which didn't make it any better.

I got out the purse I brought with me, put it over my stomach, put my sweater over my stomach as well, and sucked in as much as I could.

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