Pt.2, Chapter 11: In the clear. Well, sorta...

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*Cali's pov* *3 months later*

I have officially hit that point in pregnancy.

I'm so over it.

Her crib was set up, our bags were packed, what else is there to do besides have the damn kid.

The only scary part of this whole thing, was the fact that California was officially on lockdown.

We couldn't go anywhere unless we absolutely NEEDED to.

It was so weird because the place was empty.

Usually LA is busy as hell, and I only see a few cars a day now.

Anyway, that was beside the point.


I had been working on this stupid bassinet for an hour now, and it was pissing me off.

We already have one for our room, but we wanted one for the living room just in case we didn't feel like going all the way to our room to put her down for a nap.

"Dani, I need help." I pouted.

"What's up?" He asked, walking over to me.

"This stupid screw won't twist into this thing."

"Why didn't you just have me do it?"


"You're not even supposed to be doing stuff like this anyway babe."

"I know, but I feel so useless doing nothing."

"Trust me, carrying the baby is enough in itself."

"Can you just help me with the screw?"

"Tell you what, how bout I finish this? Okay? And then you get in a shower and just relax. I got this."



*Christina's pov*

I looked into the mirror in our room.

My tiny bump had showed a little, and I smiled.

My stomach had been hurting for a while now, but I ignored it.

Corbyn had been making coffee, and some tea for me, so I went to say hi in the kitchen.

"Honey?" Corbyn asked.

"What's up?" I said.

"No, do you want honey?"

"Ohhhh, sure." I chuckled.

"How's the little alien?"

"Fine." I shrugged.

"You look a little pale, you feelin okay?"

"My stomach has been hurting all day, but other than that I've been fine."

"Is it gas?"

"No, it's like a cramp feeling."


"Ya, but I'm probably just overreacting."

"Okay, well, just stay put for now and don't overwork."

"I know."

"Here's your tea, and I'm gonna get some groceries. Need anything?"

"Nope. Be safe."

"I will. See you in a bit Chris." Corbyn kissed my head.


Well, he was gonna be away for a bit, so I decided to go see Natalia for a little.

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