Part 1

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"C'mon, Chase!" Marvin yelled, waving his arms about. "We are going to be late for the test!"

"I'm coming!" Chase shouted back, rushing down the stairs, dragging Jameson behind him. "Let's go!"

Jameson clapped his hands excitedly, wanting to pass the exam to get into Xavier's Academy.

"Have fun!" the three's mum yelled after them, waving at them with a smile on her face. "I hope you all get in!"

"Bye, mum!" Chase called back, waving goodbye before he closed the door.

The three then proceeded to run the bus which would take them to the Academy's exam facility.

The three just got to the bus stop when the bus left, Chase groaning in annoyance while he stood trying to catch his breath.

"Ugh," Marvin complained. "We missed the bus!"

'It's fine,' Jameson signed. 'Can you not use your magic to make a portal?'

"I can," Marvin said. "But I have no idea how it'll turn out since I haven't used that spell before."

"Just try it, bro," Chase approved. "I don't wanna walk anymore."

Marvin rolled his eyes, placing his hands in from of him and waving them a bit before chanting, "' Volo habere portal est scriptor nito Xaverius dicta est a facility ut velit et facere portal ad portal evanescet, et redeunt ad Verba, memento."

A light blue portal then appeared in front of them, Marvin smiling proudly before saying, "You two go in first."

"That was so cool!" Chase exclaimed, Jameson, nodding his head before signing, 'I agree. Now let's go so we aren't late!'

Chase nodded, grabbing Jamie's arm before rushing into the portal.

Marvin just smiled, shaking his head a little, "Those two are too hyper some times."

Marvin then stepped in through the portal, turning behind him before whispering, "Memento."

Marvin then turned around, staring at the exam facility.

Now, him, Chase and Jameson were trying to get into Xavier's Academy, in which you will have to use your powers to fight off robots (pretending to be villains). The robots give you points, either 3, 2 or 1. Whoever has the most points will get in, some will be awarded bravery points and can get in if you have a high amount of them. Marvin just hoped they would all get in, not wanting any of their dreams to be crushed.

"Marvin!" Chase yelled, catching Marvin's attention.

'I heard Jack was trying out!' Jameson signed, jumping up and down as he hadn't seen Jack, their cousin, in ages.

"Really?" Marvin asked, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, his powers are really great."

"I know, dude!" Chase said excitedly. "The way he runs super fast is amazing!"

"Who runs super fast?" A voice sounded from behind Marvin, who turned to see a boy with chocolate brown eyes and red-dyed hair, having an Asian look to him. He had a strong build as well.

"Oh!" Chase said, delighted in meeting someone new. "Our cousin! His name's Jack!"

"Really?" the guy asked. "I think I went to school with him. McLoughlin, right?"

"Yep," Marvin said, turning to point at his brothers. "I'm Marvin, that's Chase and Jameson."

"I'm Mark," the red-haired boy smiled, holding his hand out to which Marvin shook. "Nice to meet you!"

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