🖤I'm Tired🖤 pt.2

888 27 13

Art by: Talented bean, please let me know who the artist is if you know!

Kokichi POV:

My mind has gone blank, I'm tired, my mouth opens but I can't control what I say...

"Hey...Kaito...I- I never...I never wanted anyone to hate me..."


"...It hurts...seeing everyone together...forming bonds...I...I wanted to be apart of that too...! But...but I couldn't....I had to...I had to stick to my plan."

"Kokichi....why couldn't you...just tell us this plan of yours? We could've helped you..!"

"It's not that simple Kaito...it doesn't matter anymore....I'll just have to trust you...with..this..stupid...plan........of....mine..."

"Hey..? Kokichi..!?"

"ugh...just...start the....recording....already...."


"Don't..you...want..your..precious.... Maki...roll....to...sur...vive..?"

"Of course I do..."

"Nishishi~ then...start..already...."


Third Person POV:

Kaito starts the camera and the hydraulic press, you can hear the mechanical whirring and it shows no signs of stopping. Despite the loud whirring, you could hear a faint sound coming from the press.


Charming. Isn't it.
How romantic for those words to be your very last.

Soon enough the whirring ended but, so did Kokichi's life. There was nothing of him left. Unless you count all the blood that was left of course.

Kaito didn't even get the chance to reply, he stopped the recording but nothing could stop the tears flowing out of his eyes.

Blood and tears is all that is left in that scene, there's no happy ending, this is a killing game after all. There's nothing happy about it.


Again, this might've not been angsty. I sure as heck wasn't gonna make this happy at all, or at least I tried to. You can be the judge of this poorly written story!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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