If You're Going, Then Go (The Finale)

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This is the finale of this series! I hope you enjoyed it, I enjoyed writing it for you guys! Gah, my heart hurts! I loved this so much.. so much stress and lack of sleep, and fucking up my grades to the point of no return, I will miss you. :'( Bye!

(Brendon's POV)

I laid back and watched the television, I would peak at Ryan from the corner of my eye every now and then. God, he's gorgeous. I looked down at those long skinny fingers just resting on the couch. They were practically begging for my touch, alone and ready. Maybe I should, I know he feels the same. Maybe this is my chance.

My small hand inched closer, and closer. Just as the tips of my fingers were about to graze the skin of his knuckle-- "So what are we doing today?" Elizabeth's feet hit the ground with a loud pat when she jumped off the last step, catching me off guard and making me jump out of my skin as our attention turned to her. "Uh, I'm not really in the mood to go out, how about you, B?" He asked, scanning my face with those warm chocolate eyes.

"Kind of lazy today," I shrugged and turned to her. "Oh, well--" "But don't let us hold you back, go out with your friend Jackie. She's all energetic and stuff, right? We can just hang back here." Ryan intercepted. I smiled at her as she observed our faces. "Okay, you sure? I can just hang with you guys if you want." She began to walk back up the steps.

"No, really. Go, we're good. Have fun, baby." Ryan insisted. "Okay, I'm gone. Love ya." She ran to Ryan and pecked his lips, then scurried out the door. "You too.." the screen door slammed shut and she was off. I chuckled in relief and sat back, "So what are we doing, pal?" I asked. "We could.. order food?" He suggested.

"And after..?" "Uh,.." "We could have sex," I mumbled as I stood up, walking over to the refrigerator. He laughed, "Give those fan-fictions something good." I laughed along, grabbing two beers and sliding beside him. He twisted off the cap and turned to him, he followed and we sipped down the bitter beverages. I set the bottle on the coffee table and turned back to him.

"Do you ever miss the band?" I asked. "Of course, it's not like I wanted to leave all that behind because I got sick of it." He shrugged and swirled the liquid around in his mouth. "You just got sick of me," I muttered. "No, I got sick of the thought of not having you anymore. You know how hard it was to see you everyday and not be able to do anything? Sometimes I just want to go for it, but I know I can't." He gulped and turned away.

I thought this was past tense.

His face was a painful red and he cupped the bottle in his lap. "Ryan, what do you think I go through every fucking day? Watching you make sucky-face with Liz and fawn over her. It's painful," I sighed in frustration and grabbed my beer, roughly pressing the rim against My lips and gulping it down. "Brendon, you know I do love you, right?" He questioned.

"Of course I do, we're best-friends." I turned my face to him. "You know I would do anything for you, right?" He continued. "Yes," I nodded. "Just say the words, name your anything." He whispered. "I-.." I don't know what I want. There's so much I want from him. I want his touch, his kiss his scent, his love, I want.. "I want.. you." I looked back down at the bottle tried to forget about it.

"You're wish, is my command." He lifted my head up and pressed his lips against mine. There was electricity and fireworks and butterflies and all that shit. I missed this, for years I tried to remember what it was like, but this is nothing compared to those memories. I was nostalgic for those 'Pretty. Odd.' days, but now the future seemed so much brighter.

I dropped the bottle onto the carpet and grabbed his face. He did the same and ran his hands along the sides of my arms. I slowly pulled my lips away and rested my forehead against his. "I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that, Ross." I snickered and ferociously pecked his lips over and over. "And now you don't have to want. I'm yours." I pulled him into my arms and kissed him again. "I love you," I whispered.

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