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_~. Really😑 .~_

I saw my mom and Emily turning around looking at me Emily looked like she was balling her eyes out and my mom looked so angry! I was so confused on y she was here

"MIJA!" my mom yelled for me

"mom?" i said confusingly. she pointed to the empty seat beside Emily I didn't want her to get more mad then how she already is so I sat there

"Emily, ¿puedes explicarlo" my mom pointed her head to emily (Emily can u explain) (let's just pretend Emily understands a bit of Spanish) Emily looked at me confused I rolled my eyes

"she said Emily can you explain" i rolled my eyes

"oh uh um Y/n hit me a lot" emily stuttered

"y por qué es eso" my mom asked sounding very weird (and why is that). Emily looked nervous to say it she kept looking at me and back down to the floor

"i don't know she just barged into my house and started hitting me but I didn't hit back because I'm innocent, after she was done hitting me she left while saying 'that's what u get for cheating' but I had no idea what she meant" When she said she didn't hit back i got real triggered

"y/n y/l/n explique" my mom raised her voice at me (explain)

"mom she hit me back! I hit her her because she cheated on Kairi!" i told her

"no la Mira Ella te lastimó" my mom pointed at my 'clean skin' (it doesn't look like she hurt you)

"it's because I covered it so you wouldn't know" i said. My mom got up and went to the washroom to grab make up wipes she then passed it to me. I took one out and carefully wiped the make up away from my eye, cheek, lip and nose when I relived my bruises my mom gasped and Emily looked shocked for i don't even know she knew that she hit me back so i didn't know what she's talking about

"Emily estás minitiendo" my mom pointed at emily, she sounds really mad (Emily are you lying to me?). emily shook her head

"son esos falsos" my mom pointed to my eye. (y/n are those fake?)

"mom you think these are fake why would I fake it! Also remember you told me to always protect my friends so I did. she cheated on Kairi and I couldn't control my anger, so I had to teach her a lesson. you would've done it to if one of your friends got cheated" i explained everything properly

"Emily, puedes decir y/n estás aquí" my moms voice seems more calmed down (Emily can u tell y/n y u r here then)

"ugh okay whatever I'm done playing I'm here bc I wanted to tell you that your daughter is a piece of crap and she could suck my balls she almost made me end up in the hospital I'm more injured then her!" emily started crying

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