39: Quarantine

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•+•. FaceTime.•+•

2 months
Welp it's a quarantine day it's been so boring lately Y/n haven't seen any of the boys or girls except Emily. Y/n has been hanging with Emily everyday. Y/n's mom is working at home for now. Y/n and the group have been FaceTiming every single day. They did some zoom stuff for school and Mattia keeps calling y/n every time shes doing school work. They take walks to eachothers houses except for Aliz cause she lives in Florida we've been taking walks to eachothers houses saying hi and keeping our distances. That's literally it that's all they've been doing chillin in their rooms, taking walks to eachothers houses, doing zoom calls, homework, FaceTime calls, eating, but still being fit. Y/n has been getting more closer to Hailey and Aliz and Hailey seems so nice and silly. Anyway today is Monday and it's 1 pm. Y/n in on her bed doing homework with Emily y/n woke up at 11 am and is really sleepy. Mattia is playing gta with the boys because he did all his homework. Kasey is FaceTimeing Alejandro while cooking something. Aliz Making TikToks and talking to the girls. Katie has been talking to this boy his name is Alex and he's a year older then her and no one has ever met him.

Y/n's POV
I hate homework it doesn't make sense and I'm so fucken tired!

Y: I hate it here
Emily: I know like our math teacher is giving me 10 pages
Y: I'm taking a break
Emily: me too. Do you want food I'll post mate
Y: yeah sure
Emily: alright imma get pizza
Y: Ight
Emily: alright lemme just go get sum

I nodded and she left my room. I got on my phone and right when I opened it this notification came up

5 missed calls

Geez he might be mad I didn't call. So I FaceTimed him and he answered on the first ring. First thing I saw was his eyes right on the TV with his headset on

Y: so you called me for
Y: I will hang up
Mattia: okay okay sorry
Y: why you call
Mattia: oh sorry I can't call my girlfriend
Y: since when did you ask me to be your girlfriend
Mattia: sorry I can't call me bestiee
Y: no no you can keep it as girlfriend
Mattia: ooooo okayyy
I chuckled
Mattia: you look a mess
Y: oh thanks
I said sarcastically
Mattia: but still cute
I blushed
Y: stop! Who are you playing with?
Mattia: the boys except Alvaro
Y: okay but why did you call
Mattia: I wanna see you
Y: come walk over
Mattia: I can't my dad will get mad
Y: tough
Mattia: I know
Y: n e way imma go play minecraft
Mattia: okay

I got up from my bed and went over to my couch and started playing minecraft on my Xbox. While I was starting my game Kairi FaceTimed me

Y: kairis calling me
Mattia: decline it
Y: shut up
Mattia: call me back then
Y: okay

I grabbed my phone and answered Kairi's call

Y: hey rat
Kairi: what are you doing
Y: playing minecraft
Kairi: lemme play
Y: bet I gotta call Mattia back
Kairi: okay invite me

I nodded and hung up then went Over to Mattia's contact and FaceTimed him

Mattia: why did he call you
Y: he wanted to play with me
Mattia: alright

I invited Kairi and once we started playing he texted me telling me to put on my mic and shit but that's too much

Mattia: who was that?
Y: calm down it's just Kairi telling me to put on my mic but I don't want Too
Mattia: why
Y: you ask a lot of questions

He chuckled, I grabbed my phone and texted Kairi back

That's too much

Bitch just do it!



I rolled my eyes and went back to FaceTime. (This type of mic is from a tv if u don't understand sry idk how to explain it) I connected the mic wire to the tv I could hear Kairi and now he can hear me

Y: why would you make me do all that work!
Kairi: you just had to connect one wire shut up
Y: anyway don't take any of my fucken stuff
Kairi: no promises
Y: whatever

(If y'all don't play minecraft or don't know what mincraft is 🤦‍♀️) I decided to make a tree house even though I made about 5 houses already

Kairi: y/n can I have one of your houses
Y: no make your own
Kairi: are you making a treehouse
Y: yessir
Kairi: you already have- you know what your something else y/n your something else
Y: I will take that as a compliment
Mattia: Alejandro this is the 2nd time you died!

I looked over at my phone and Mattia looks pissed

Y: baby calm down he just died twice
Mattia: I know but it's getting annoying
Ale: tell y/n I love her!
Mattia: no

I could hear the others on the other side of his headset

Y: Kairi I see you with that flint & steel
Kairi: okay and
Y: don't tell me your going to do what I'm thinking
Kairi: maybe
Y: Kairi don't I just started on this
Kairi: you have so many! Please wanna have fun
Y: next thing you know your burning the whole map!
Kairi: straight up cap!
Y: no cap

I was making the house till I heard flint & steel go off. I turned around in the game and there was Kairi burning my treehouse. Bad thing is that we're in survival mode so imma die soon. I was stuck in my house

Y: Kairi imma stab you with my sword!
Kairi: if you could find me
Y: shut the fuck up

I broke my wall and tried finding Kairi. I saw him behind a tree. I snuck up behind him and started hitting me.

Kairi: wait wait!!! I only have one heart left!
Y: okay

I hit him one more time and he died. I started laughing.

Kairi: you bitch
Y: yeah whatever keep talking Olaf

After that we all just continued playing, and eating pizza that Emily bought for the both of us.

Word Count: 1097

A/n - there was a whole power outage so I couldn't post this btw there will be a few large time skips in the next couple parts

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