43: silence

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A/n - this part will be about you and Mattia again and a lot of skipping

A/n - this part will be about you and Mattia again and a lot of skipping

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*]+ FAIR +[*

2 months later (its May)
(Let's pretend corona don't exist anymore)
Welp it's the beginning of Summer break and Mattia wanted me to come over since we can finally go out!. It's currently 12:00 pm and I just got out the shower and dried my hair and brushed my hair, I did my eyelashes and eyebrows. I then got dressed into

I then went downstairs and saw my mom cooking and Emily in the living room

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I then went downstairs and saw my mom cooking and Emily in the living room.

Y/M: hola mija
Y: hey mom imma go to Mattia's
Y/m: okay also you and Em are going to meek Diego in maybe 2 weeks
Y: that's great I can't wait to meet him
Emily: same
Y:ok well I gotta go
Y/m: see you later mija
Y: see ya bye Em
Emily: bye y/n/n

I put on my air forces and went out the door. I got in my car, started it then started driving off.

I got too Mattia's house i hopped out the car and knocked on the front door. I saw his mom standing there

Matiluca: oh hello y/n
Y: Hiii
Matiluca: I'm guessing your here for Mattia
Y: mhm
I nodded my head
Matiluca: he's downstairs like always
Y: okay thank you

I smiled, gave her a hug then headed down to Mattia's room. I walked down quietly to see what he would be doing. I got down to the lil wall and peeked at what he was doing. Great! He's on his gaming chair his back is facing me so I get to scare him. I tip-toed behind him then put my hands on his shoulders and shook him while saying


He jumped then looked behind him looking at me with fear in his eyes but then softened when he recognized who it was. He pulled me with his hands on my waist and put his head in my stomach. He started laughing and so did i

Mattia: don't do that!
Y: it was funny!
Mattia: it was not!

He turned back around to his TV. I went infront of her and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist placing his head on my shoulder while still playing I'm guessing FIFA

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