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~*+ Are you kidding me ~*+

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~*+ Are you kidding me ~*+

"why are you guys even here?" mattia asked

"I need to talk to you" i said moving more into his room

"about?" he asked sitting on his couch while i went to sit on his gaming chair

"Mattia i talked to you about this on the phone dumbfuck" i rolled my eyes

"nooo" mattia pursed his lips and started looking everywhere in the room avoiding eye contact from both me and alejandro

"don't act dumb is it true you like me!" i asked desperately wanting to know

he ignored me

"bitch. Ugh! Your annoying!" i groaned

mattia ignores me again and starts playing loud music on his phone

"Ale can you?!" i asked

"I don't know what to fuckin do" alejandro shrugged

"I give up! I'm leaving!" i got up from the chair. Little does he know I'm not actually leaving. I went to the door opened it then closed it but we didn't leave we heard him turn down his music so I ran to him and attacked him and got on his back.

"Bro!" mattia looked back at me and tried getting me off without touching me

"tell me it's just a simple yes or no" i was attached to him while he stood up and i now had my arms wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck.
Mattia looked at me then Alejandro who was behind me so I looked at Alejandro "oh yeah sorry I'll leave" Alejandro left and now it's just us two. i got off his back and stood infront of him

"okay are you going to tell me?" i asked crossing my arms

"no I just wanted him out" he shrugged and walked away from me to his bed which was right behind me

"dude" i groaned and turned on my heel to see him laying comfortably on his sweet bed. "It's just a simple question please answer" i said going on my knees next to him on his bed

"no" mattia sighed putting his arm behind his head

i was getting impatient

"you good?" mattia furrowed his eyebrows at me

"please" i pouted

He shook his head

"are you trying to kill me" i shook my head

He nodded

"oh you're such a bitch" i rolled my eyes

"i know" he smiled

"yo-" i was going to say something but cut off by him mocking me

"oH yOuR a BiTcH mY nAmE iS y/N aNd I lOvE mY bEsTfRiEnDs BuT tHeY cOuLd Be ShIt SoMeTiMeS" mattia tried impersonating me but all he did was put a high voice and started filliping his imaginary hair around

"suck my di-"

"mAtTiA iS aN aNnOyInG gUy ThAt LiKeS tO pIsS oFf HiS gIrLfRiEnD" mattia mocked me again

"uh no not 'gIrLfRiEnD' after you say that! Probably I take back what I said 4 days ago when I said in a million years I would date you now I would never" i said

"you seri-" it's my turn to mock him

"mY nAmE iS mAtTiA aNd I lIkE tO  pReTeNd ThAt My GiRl BeSt FrIeNd Is My GiRlFrIeNd I aM- okay you know what I'm so mad at yo-" all of a sudden my lips were shut by soft plump lips. i couldn't help but kiss back, but then it came to me

i'm kissing my best friend that i am supposed to be mad at not just a second ago

i pulled back and licked my lips and looked at him who was just there..

"you are confusing!" i groaned

"but does that answer your question?!" he asked

"yes finally!" i rolled my eyes

"now I have a question for you" he said lifting up my chin to look at him

"what?" i looked at him in his light brown hazel eyes

"remember when I took you to the place and we kissed did that mean anything?" he whispered to me while running his thumb ontop of my lips that were just on his. i couldn't talk, i was so intrigued on what he was doing it almost made me feel some other things i wont say. to answer his question i wanted to lie and say it didn't mean anything but then i would feel bad, also alejandro is just outside of mattia's door.

Word count: 729

A/N- I know it's short sorry

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